


Lets start off with a bit of information. This book, and therefore I assume John Rziha, is based in Catholicism. For the average “non-denominational” Christian this might be perceived to be a problem. It should not be. I found very little to object about and nothing in the realm of the moral philosophy this book is presenting to its readers. To say it another way, The Christian Moral Life is for everyone looking to improve themselves, their relationships, and all aspects of life.

Mr. Barnes does an excellent job presenting the material for your ears. Pauses in all the right places let you feel like you can see the text and the breaks in subject that is built into the written word. Many narrators could learn something from the presentation of this book.



In Moving Up, Moving Out, Will Cooley discusses the damage racism and discrimination have exacted on black Chicagoans in the 20th century while accentuating the resilience of upwardly mobile African Americans. 

Cooley examines how class differences created fissures in the black community and produced quandaries for black Chicagoans interested in racial welfare. While black Chicagoans engaged in collective struggles, they also used individualistic means to secure the American Dream. Black Chicagoans demonstrated their talent and ambitions, but they entered through the narrow gate, and whites denied them equal opportunities in the educational institutions, workplaces, and neighborhoods that produced the middle class.



Excellent accounting of one brave young man’s experiences in a Southern town known for being a place where no one had any hope of race relations ever being any better. Utilizing the philosophy and methodology of Nonviolence that he had learned as a student in Nashville, Tennessee, along with the “hands on” experiences he acquired while participating the in the Sit-ins and Freedom Rides, he led the citizens of Selma, Alabama in making drastic changes in the status quo. It is vital that what happened in Selma be documented and that young folks have this to use as a guide for effecting change where ever it is needed. This book provides that information and is a guide for future generations to follow.

Jane F. Osgerby



“Crystal King” is creative, lively and exciting. John M. Olsen does a wonderful job of creating a world similar to ours but also different. I received a free copy of this book in return for a voluntary, honest review. Honestly, I highly recommend this book.

Laura Bayer



“It exceeded my expectations. I loved it. Mississippi in Africa gave my a knew perspective on the Africa / United States relationship.

Ayodele Higgs



The inspirational story of the 20th century’s greatest evangelist

Billy Graham has preached the Gospel message in person to more people than anyone in history, and millions more have heard him through television, radio, and film. His faithful witness is testimony to his great love of God and passion to serve him.

This easy-to-listen-to biography tells Billy Graham’s story, including his humble beginnings as a Southern farm boy, his calling to the ministry, the start of the crusades, his service to America’s leaders, and his later years preaching around the globe. As you listen to these details of a life dedicated to the cause of Christ, you will be encouraged. Also, these stories will inspire anyone who desires to give their life in service to God.



This book is funny and inspirational at the same time I truly enjoyed the read Please pick this book up purchase it well well worth it you will love the story laugh until it hurts and leave with a changed mind set about life and family great book well done to the author can’t wait for the movie to come out!!

Dij Sparkx



This book provided a good birds eye view of UX but it felt overly simplified and surface level. Gems like “UX is a process and not a position” are often framed with obvious comments like “UX involves change which can cause friction in an organization.”

The reading was excellent.

This is a good book for business people wanting to learn about UX who have never heard the term before. But if you really want to implement UX in a company you will need more in-depth resources. If you’re a UXer already hoping to learn more about the process and the business impact this book may be worth a skim but overall maybe a pass.


I Truly Thank God for this book. Full of wisdom and insights into the things of God. I did the 3am Prayer with the understanding taught from this boo, and it really does work. It was such a different experience, I felt the presence of the Lord in a new way. The Holy Spirit lead in in such a way to pray it was truly effortless. I encourage every believer to get this book, I purchased the audible.