The Youthful King

Scene: Jeremiah and Ezekiel sitting in their favorite park, enjoying a sunny afternoon. Nearby, a group of teenagers play frisbee and occasionally glance over at the two older men, curious about their animated conversation.

The park was alive with the sounds of laughter and chatter, the perfect setting for one of Jeremiah and Ezekiel’s deep discussions. Sitting on a weathered bench, the two old friends watched as a group of teenagers played frisbee nearby.

Ezekiel pointed with his cane. “Look at those young folks, full of energy and independence. Reminds me of our topic for today, Jeremiah.”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Ah, yes. The joys and pitfalls of teenage independence. Did you ever read about Rehoboam, Solomon’s son? His story is a classic example.”

Ezekiel leaned forward, interested. “Oh, I remember him. The young king who made a mess of things. Tell me more.”

Jeremiah cleared his throat, adopting a storytelling tone. “Well, when Rehoboam became king, the people approached him, asking for relief from the heavy taxes imposed by his father, Solomon. Sensible request, wouldn’t you say?”

Ezekiel nodded. “Indeed. Solomon was wise, but he wasn’t light on the tax burden.”

Jeremiah continued, “Rehoboam sought advice from the elders who had served his father. They suggested he ease the people’s burden, to win their loyalty. But then, Rehoboam turned to his peers, the young men he’d grown up with.”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “Ah, I see where this is going.”

Jeremiah smiled. “Exactly. The young men advised Rehoboam to assert his authority, to show the people who was boss. Rehoboam liked this advice better. He told the people, ‘If you think my father’s taxes were heavy, you haven’t seen anything yet!'”

Ezekiel laughed. “And that, my friend, was the beginning of the end for his united kingdom.”

Jeremiah nodded solemnly. “Indeed. Ten of the twelve tribes rebelled and formed their own kingdom. All because Rehoboam chose to be different from his father’s generation, rather than considering what was right or wise.”

Ezekiel shook his head. “It’s a tale as old as time, Jeremiah. Teenagers wanting to assert their independence, often by doing the exact opposite of what their parents would do.”

Jeremiah glanced over at the teenagers playing frisbee. “Do you think they realize how many decisions they make just to be different from their parents? Not because it’s right or wrong, but just because it’s different.”

Ezekiel laughed. “Probably not. They’re too busy trying to be independent. But that’s part of growing up, isn’t it? Making mistakes and learning from them.”

Jeremiah smiled. “True. But it’s also why it’s important to teach them the value of wisdom from older generations. Proverbs 22:6 says, ‘Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.'”

Ezekiel nodded. “Yes, and Ephesians 6:4 reminds fathers not to provoke their children to wrath, but to bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.”

Jeremiah leaned back, looking thoughtful. “It’s a balance, isn’t it? Teaching them to make their own decisions, but also helping them understand the consequences of those decisions.”

Ezekiel grinned. “And maybe a bit of humility too. Admitting that sometimes, the old folks do know best.”

Jeremiah chuckled. “If only Rehoboam had understood that. Instead, he split a kingdom.”

Ezekiel sighed. “It’s a lesson for all ages, really. Sometimes the wisdom of the past is the best guide for the future.”

Jeremiah watched the teenagers for a moment. “Do you think they’d listen if we told them this story?”

Ezekiel laughed. “Probably not. But one day, when they’re older, they might remember two old men in the park talking about a young king who made a dumb choice. And maybe, just maybe, they’ll make a wiser decision because of it.”

Jeremiah smiled. “I hope so, my friend. I hope so.”

The Enduring Influence of the United States: A Legacy of Freedom and Diversity

America, the land of opportunity, has held a unique position on the world stage for the past 60-70 years. Its influence, both domestically and internationally, has been profound across religious, political, social, and entertainment spheres.

Numerous political figures have espoused the exceptional nature of America. From presidents like Ronald Reagan to Barack Obama, the sentiment of American exceptionalism, rooted in the nation’s democratic principles and freedoms, has been a recurring theme. These leaders emphasized the importance of liberty, individual rights, and the enduring strength of the Constitution.

In the social realm, figures like Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights, underscoring America’s potential for progress and equality. Innovators like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates symbolized the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives in the United States, embodying the country’s commitment to innovation and progress.

In the world of entertainment, cultural icons such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, and later, influential figures like Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, and Beyoncé, showcased the diversity and dynamism of American talent, shaping global pop culture and redefining entertainment standards.

One of the pillars of American exceptionalism lies in its commitment to religious freedom. The First Amendment guarantees the freedom of religion, allowing individuals to practice their faith without fear of persecution. This right has been central to America’s identity, attracting diverse religious communities seeking sanctuary and freedom.

While the phrase “MAGA” has been associated with various interpretations, historically referring to “Make America Great Again,” it’s important to note that expressions of religious beliefs may differ across individuals. Some may interpret “MAGA” as an acronym for “Magnify Almighty God Again,” signifying a call to emphasize spiritual values in the country’s discourse.

While the phrase “MAGA” has been associated with various interpretations, historically referring to “Make America Great Again,” it’s important to note that expressions of religious beliefs may differ across individuals. Some may interpret “MAGA” as an acronym for “Magnify Almighty God Again,” signifying a call to emphasize spiritual values in the country’s discourse.

The First Amendment embodies America’s unique commitment to the freedom of religion. It safeguards the right of individuals to worship according to their beliefs, fostering a diverse tapestry of faiths that contribute to the nation’s rich cultural fabric.

In celebrating America’s exceptionalism, it’s crucial to acknowledge the contributions of diverse communities and perspectives. Embracing this diversity strengthens the country’s resilience and fosters an environment where freedom and inclusivity thrive.

However, it’s also vital to recognize that the idea of American exceptionalism has faced scrutiny and debate, with differing opinions on the extent and nature of this exceptionalism. Some argue that emphasizing exceptionalism may overshadow areas needing improvement or ignore historical complexities.

America’s influence over the past 60-70 years has undeniably been significant across various realms. Its commitment to freedoms enshrined in the Constitution, including religious freedom, remains a cornerstone of its identity.

While expressions of patriotism and religious sentiment are personal, it’s essential to approach these discussions with respect for differing perspectives and to engage in dialogue that promotes unity and understanding among diverse communities.

As we reflect on America’s legacy, let’s cherish the values that unite us and continue striving to build a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.

This article celebrates the historical and cultural richness of America without endorsing specific merchandise. Emphasizing diverse viewpoints is crucial in appreciating the breadth of American identity and the values it represents.



Black History Month is finally here! Each year we have the opportunity to reflect on the honorable deeds, contributions, talents, and discoveries of trailblazers that inspired us along the way.

I have been fortunate to narrate the stories and learn about the lives of so many remarkable people, whose self-sacrifice and dedication made an impact that will never be forgotten.

“The cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.”

~ W.E.B. Du Bois, Author and Civil Rights Activist

I invite you to select an audiobook and jumpstart your discovery into the lives of venerated figures who were willing to improve our society in peaceful and profound ways.