The Elders’ Dilemma

Scene: Jeremiah and Ezekiel sitting in a coffee shop. Jeremiah is reading a letter he received from a fellow church member while Ezekiel stirs his coffee.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the small, cozy café as Jeremiah and Ezekiel settled into their usual corner booth. Jeremiah unfolded a letter he had received and began to read aloud to Ezekiel.

“Dear Jeremiah,” he started, “I’m a member of the church of Christ and I’ve recently read your article ‘Majority vs Elder Rule’. Our congregation is going through a tough time. We have elders who aren’t being the leaders they should be. They’ve hired a minister with a history of splitting congregations, and they refuse to meet with us as a group. What should we do?”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a sticky situation. What do you think, Jeremiah?”

Jeremiah sighed and took a sip of his coffee. “It’s a difficult spot for sure. Elders are supposed to lead the church, not divide it. Remember what Paul said in I Timothy 5:19-20: ‘Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.'”

Ezekiel nodded. “So, they need to gather evidence and confront the elders with solid proof of their wrongdoing, not just opinions or preferences.”

Jeremiah agreed. “Exactly. It’s important to document everything. If individual meetings aren’t working, they should approach the elders in small groups, just like Matthew 18:16 advises: ‘But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'”


Ezekiel chuckled. “Sounds like we need to call in a biblical detective team. ‘CSI: Church of Christ’.”

Jeremiah laughed. “Indeed! But all humor aside, it’s crucial they follow the scriptural process. If the elders still refuse to listen, they might have to bring it before the whole church. Matthew 18:17 says, ‘And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.'”

Ezekiel shook his head. “And if the congregation sides with the elders despite the evidence?”

Jeremiah paused, thinking deeply. “Then it might be time to consider a more drastic step. They may need to find a new congregation or even start a new one, as hard as that might be. The unity of the church is important, but not at the expense of doctrinal purity and proper leadership.”


Ezekiel leaned back, his face serious. “That’s a tough call. But if the elders are truly in the wrong, they’re not leading the church in accordance with God’s will.”

Jeremiah nodded. “True. It’s a serious matter. The church must stay faithful to God above all else. Elders have a huge responsibility, and when they misuse their position, it can lead the congregation astray. That’s why Paul emphasized accountability in I Timothy.”

Ezekiel sipped his coffee thoughtfully. “You know, Jeremiah, this reminds me of the time we dealt with that situation about the church kitchen. Remember? The arguments about whether it was scriptural to have one?”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Oh yes, I remember. ‘Is it a kitchen or a cafeteria?’ was the big debate. But seriously, this situation is more severe. It’s about leadership and the spiritual well-being of the congregation.”

Ezekiel grinned. “I suppose the stakes are higher than whether or not we can have potlucks.”

Jeremiah laughed. “Definitely. But the principle is the same: staying true to biblical teachings. We must always ensure our actions align with scripture, whether it’s about kitchens or elders.”

Ezekiel finished his coffee and looked at Jeremiah. “So, what advice should we give them?”

Jeremiah folded the letter and put it back in his pocket. “They need to follow the steps outlined in the Bible: gather evidence, confront the elders in small groups, and if necessary, bring it before the church. And if all else fails, consider finding or starting a congregation that upholds biblical principles.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Sounds like a plan. It won’t be easy, but it’s the right thing to do.”

Jeremiah smiled. “Yes, it is. Now, how about we grab another cup of coffee and continue our discussion about the theological implications of pineapple on pizza?”

Ezekiel laughed. “I’m ready for that debate any day. Lead the way, Jeremiah!”

The School and Senior Housing Debate

Scene: Jeremiah and Ezekiel sitting on a park bench, enjoying a sunny afternoon. Jeremiah has a newspaper, while Ezekiel is munching on an apple.

The park was alive with the sounds of children playing and birds chirping. Jeremiah glanced up from his newspaper and saw Ezekiel approaching with his signature grin and a half-eaten apple in hand.

“Good day, Ezekiel!” Jeremiah called out, waving.

“Good day, Jeremiah,” Ezekiel replied, plopping down on the bench next to him. “What’s the news today?”

Jeremiah handed him the newspaper. “There’s an interesting letter to the editor about a church wanting to fund a school and senior housing. Thought it might make for a lively discussion.”

Ezekiel took the newspaper and scanned the letter. “Oh, this should be fun. So, where do you stand on this issue, Jeremiah?”

Jeremiah leaned back and folded his arms. “Well, Ezekiel, I think the Bible is pretty clear about the roles and responsibilities of the church. Churches are to focus on spreading the Gospel, not running schools or senior homes.”

Ezekiel nodded thoughtfully, taking another bite of his apple. “I see your point. But what about the argument that these initiatives help the community and can be seen as an extension of the church’s mission to do good?”

Jeremiah chuckled. “That’s the tricky part, isn’t it? But if we look at Ephesians 6:4, it says, ‘And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.’ Teaching children is primarily the responsibility of the parents, not the church.”

Ezekiel nodded. “True, but isn’t there a benefit to having a community approach to education, especially in a faith-based setting? We could help ensure the children receive both secular and spiritual instruction.”

Jeremiah leaned forward, a serious look on his face. “The issue is not about the benefits but about the biblical authority. The church’s role is to spread the Gospel. If individual Christians want to start a school, that’s their prerogative. But using church funds for secular education steps outside the biblical mandate.”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “What about the elderly then? Surely, providing housing for seniors falls under the church’s duty to care for its members.”

Jeremiah shook his head. “Again, the Bible places the primary responsibility on families. Look at I Timothy 5:4: ‘But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety at home and to repay their parents; for this is good and acceptable before God.’ The church steps in only when there is no family to help.”

Ezekiel rubbed his chin. “I see your point. But isn’t there some flexibility in how we interpret these roles, especially in modern times?”

Jeremiah smiled. “That’s the danger, Ezekiel. When we start interpreting roles based on modern convenience rather than scriptural commands, we risk straying from God’s intended purpose. Remember I Timothy 5:16: ‘If any believing man or woman has widows, let them relieve them, and do not let the church be burdened, that it may relieve those who are really widows.'”

Ezekiel sighed, finishing his apple. “So, no flexibility then? Just strict adherence to the text?”

Jeremiah nodded. “It’s about maintaining the purity of the church’s mission. If we start funding schools and housing projects, where does it end? We must draw the line somewhere.”

Ezekiel grinned. “You’re right, of course. But it does make you wonder about the practical applications in today’s world. Maybe we can find a middle ground that respects the scriptures while addressing modern needs.”

Jeremiah laughed. “That’s the challenge, my friend. Balancing scriptural adherence with practical compassion. But always remember, as II Timothy 3:16-17 says, ‘All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.'”

Ezekiel clapped him on the shoulder. “Well said, Jeremiah. Now, how about we grab a coffee and debate something a little less controversial? Like, whether pineapple belongs on pizza?”

Jeremiah laughed heartily. “Now that’s a debate I’m ready for. Lead the way, Ezekiel!”

I Can Feel It!

It was another bright morning in the tranquil village where Jeremiah and Ezekiel lived. The two old friends had planned to meet at the local café, a small, cozy place run by a cheerful couple who made the best coffee in town. The café was a favorite spot for locals to gather, share news, and debate the issues of the day.

Jeremiah arrived first, as usual, and found a table by the window. He waved at the barista, who knew his order by heart, and settled down with a sigh. He had brought along a copy of an article by Robert Turner that had recently caught his eye. As he skimmed through it, Ezekiel walked in, his face lighting up as he spotted Jeremiah.

“Morning, Jeremiah!” Ezekiel called out, making his way over. “What’s the topic of debate today?”

Jeremiah grinned, holding up the article. “Ah, Ezekiel, have a seat and prepare yourself. We’ve got a real gem today: ‘All Feeling, No Proof’ by Robert Turner. It’s all about the rise of emotionalism and subjectivism in the church.”

Ezekiel’s eyes sparkled with interest as he took his seat and ordered his coffee. “Sounds fascinating. So, what’s Turner’s main argument?”

John 7:38 “Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

Jeremiah adjusted his glasses and began reading aloud. “He talks about how emotionalism and the search for ‘genuine worship’ have led some churches astray, relying on feelings rather than scripture. He mentions mood music, dimmed lights, and other props that are used to create a spiritual atmosphere, which he dismisses as ‘devotional clap-trap.'”

Ezekiel chuckled. “Clap-trap, indeed! So, Turner’s arguing that this emotionalism is a departure from true worship?”

Jeremiah nodded. “Exactly. He emphasizes that true worship involves emotions that come from a knowledge of God’s will and a desire to serve Him, not from artificial stimulants.”

Ezekiel leaned back, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “You know, there’s a point to be made there. Romans 10:17 says, ‘So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.’ If our faith and worship aren’t rooted in scripture, they’re just feelings.”

Jeremiah smiled. “Precisely. Turner also warns against the dangers of subjectivism—relying on our own feelings and experiences rather than on the Bible. He quotes I John 4:6, ‘We are of God. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.'”

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of their coffee. They paused to thank the barista, who beamed at them, pleased with their appreciation.

Ezekiel took a sip of his coffee and sighed contentedly. “So, where do you stand on this, Jeremiah? Do you think there’s a place for emotion in worship?”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Oh, there’s always a place for emotion, Ezekiel. But it must be grounded in truth. Take Ephesians 3:3-5, where Paul talks about the mystery of Christ being revealed by the Spirit to the apostles and prophets. It’s not about personal feelings or revelations, but about the word of God.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Agreed. But let’s not dismiss all feelings outright. After all, Galatians 5:22-23 talks about the fruits of the Spirit—love, joy, peace, patience. These are deeply emotional experiences, but they’re also the result of living in accordance with God’s will.”

Jeremiah leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Ah, but here’s where Turner’s point comes in. He argues that when we rely too much on our feelings, we risk straying from biblical authority. He even mentions Pat Boone, saying that God communicates with him in a way that’s ‘inwardly and in a spiritual way.’ Turner calls this subjectivism, a dangerous path.”

Ezekiel laughed. “Poor Pat Boone, always getting dragged into theological debates. But Turner has a point. We must be careful not to elevate our feelings above scripture.”

Jeremiah raised his coffee cup in a mock toast. “To balance, my friend! May we always find the right mix of heart and head in our worship.”

Ezekiel clinked his cup against Jeremiah’s. “Hear, hear! So, how do we address this issue in our own congregations? How do we ensure that our worship is both heartfelt and scripturally sound?”

Jeremiah took a thoughtful sip of his coffee. “Education, Ezekiel. We need to teach our congregations the importance of grounding their faith in scripture. As Turner says, the problem often starts with a superficial knowledge of the Bible. We must go deeper.”

Ezekiel nodded. “And we must also model this balance in our own lives. Show them that true worship is passionate and informed. It’s about knowing God’s will and letting that knowledge transform our hearts.”

Jeremiah smiled. “Well said, Ezekiel. And we mustn’t forget the importance of community. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us to ‘consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.'”

Ezekiel grinned. “So, less mood music and more Bible study?”

Jeremiah laughed. “Something like that. But maybe we can keep the coffee.”

Ezekiel joined in the laughter. “Agreed. Coffee stays.”

As they continued their discussion, their banter filled the café with warmth and laughter. Despite the seriousness of the topic, they found joy in their shared quest for truth and their deep-rooted friendship.

“Jeremiah,” Ezekiel said suddenly, a twinkle in his eye, “do you remember that time we tried to introduce a ‘new’ worship style with mood lighting and soft music?”

Jeremiah chuckled. “How could I forget? The congregation was confused, and old Mrs. Thompson nearly had a heart attack when the lights dimmed.”

Ezekiel laughed. “And then Brother Martin stood up and said, ‘Are we having a seance or a worship service?'”

Jeremiah wiped a tear from his eye. “Yes, and we quickly learned that gimmicks don’t substitute for genuine worship.”

Ezekiel nodded. “True. But it was a good lesson. Worship should be about substance, not style.”

Jeremiah took another sip of his coffee, his expression growing serious. “You know, Ezekiel, Turner’s article makes a good point about the dangers of looking inward for authority. When we prioritize our feelings over the word of God, we’re on a slippery slope.”

Ezekiel nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, and it’s a reminder for us to stay vigilant. We must continually return to scripture as our ultimate authority. As Ephesians 3:3-5 says, the mystery of Christ is made known to us through the Spirit, but it’s grounded in the word.”

Jeremiah leaned back, a satisfied smile on his face. “Indeed. And while we might disagree on some details, we both agree that scripture is our foundation. That’s what keeps us grounded.”

Ezekiel raised his coffee cup again. “To scripture, and to keeping each other grounded.”

Jeremiah clinked his cup against Ezekiel’s. “To scripture, and to the joy of debate.”

They sat in companionable silence for a moment, enjoying their coffee and the morning sun streaming through the window. Their debates, while sometimes heated, were always rooted in a shared love for God’s word and a mutual respect that had grown over the years.

Ezekiel broke the silence with a grin. “You know, Jeremiah, despite our differences, I always enjoy our discussions.”

Jeremiah smiled warmly. “As do I, Ezekiel. Iron sharpens iron, after all.”

They continued to discuss, laugh, and occasionally disagree, but always with the understanding that their shared faith was the foundation of their friendship. And as the morning turned to afternoon, they knew that no matter how heated their debates might get, their commitment to each other and to the truth would always bring them back together.

For in the end, their friendship was a testament to the balance they sought in their faith—a balance of heart and head, emotion and scripture, laughter and serious study. And as they left the café, walking side by side down the sunlit street, they knew that their journey was indeed worth it.

Are You My Brother?

It was a bright and sunny afternoon in the peaceful village where Jeremiah and Ezekiel lived. The two old friends and fellow ministers had decided to meet at their favorite spot by the river, under the shade of a large oak tree. The sound of the flowing water and the chirping birds provided a tranquil backdrop to their animated discussions.

Jeremiah arrived first, carrying a picnic basket filled with homemade treats. He settled down on the grass, spreading a blanket and arranging the food. Moments later, Ezekiel appeared, holding a rolled-up scroll. His face bore a thoughtful expression, hinting at the lively debate to come.

“Ah, Ezekiel, you made it!” Jeremiah greeted, waving him over. “I’ve brought some bread and honey. Perfect for a debate, don’t you think?”

Ezekiel chuckled and took a seat. “Indeed, Jeremiah. Nothing like a bit of nourishment to fuel our discussions. And today, we have quite the topic on our hands.”

Jeremiah raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What’s on your mind this time?”

Ezekiel unrolled the scroll and began reading. “I received a letter from a fellow preacher asking if those who teach institutionalism or liberalism can be called brethren. It’s a thorny issue, one that I think we should delve into.”


Jeremiah nodded, taking a bite of bread. “Certainly a topic worth discussing. So, what’s your take on it, Ezekiel?”

Ezekiel leaned back against the tree, contemplating. “Well, the scriptures do provide guidance. In II Thessalonians 3:13-15, it says, ‘But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with him, that he may be ashamed. Yet do not count him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.'”

Jeremiah’s eyes twinkled with mischief. “Ah, so you’re on the side of gentle admonition. Treat them with kindness, but keep your distance, eh?”

Ezekiel smiled. “Precisely. They are still brethren, albeit wayward ones. Just because they’ve strayed doesn’t mean we should cast them out completely.”

Jeremiah took another bite, chewing thoughtfully. “You know, I see where you’re coming from, but let’s not forget II John 9-11: ‘Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.'”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “So you’re saying we should shun them entirely?”

Jeremiah shook his head. “Not shun, exactly. But we must be cautious. By associating too closely, we risk endorsing their errors. Remember I Corinthians 5:9-13: ‘I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.'”

Ezekiel chuckled. “So you’re telling me we’re having lunch together now, but if I step out of line, it’s no more picnics?”

Jeremiah laughed heartily. “Something like that, my friend. But seriously, it’s about maintaining the purity of the faith while still showing love.”

Ezekiel nodded thoughtfully. “True. We can’t compromise on doctrine, but we also can’t lose sight of the command to love our brothers and sisters. It’s a delicate balance.”

They sat in companionable silence for a moment, enjoying the serenity of their surroundings. The river flowed steadily, a symbol of the enduring passage of time and the constancy of their friendship.

Jeremiah broke the silence with a grin. “You know, Ezekiel, you always were the more diplomatic one. Maybe that’s why you get more wedding invitations.”

Ezekiel chuckled. “And you, Jeremiah, always the stickler for rules. No wonder you were voted ‘Most Likely to Argue with a Pharisee’ back in seminary.”

They both laughed, the sound echoing through the trees.

“All humor aside,” Jeremiah said, “this is a serious issue. How do we draw the line between correction and rejection?”

Ezekiel nodded. “Indeed. I think it comes down to intent. If our intent is to guide them back to the truth, then we must approach them with love and patience. Galatians 6:1 says, ‘Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you also may be tempted.'”

Jeremiah sighed. “It’s a tough balance. We must be vigilant and discerning. But we must also remember that we are all fallible, and we all need grace.”

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the landscape, they continued to discuss, each providing scriptural support for their viewpoints. Their debate was earnest, but always laced with humor and mutual respect.

At one point, Jeremiah quoted, “Galatians 3:26-27, ‘So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.’ They are still our brethren, and we should not be quick to dismiss them.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Yes, and that’s why we must correct them in love. But remember, II Corinthians 6:14, ‘Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?'”

Jeremiah smirked. “Always the diplomat, Ezekiel. But point taken.”

The evening wore on, and their discussion ranged far and wide, touching on various aspects of faith, doctrine, and the challenges of ministry. Through it all, they remained steadfast in their commitment to the truth and to each other.

As they packed up their picnic and prepared to head home, Jeremiah turned to Ezekiel with a smile. “You know, my friend, despite our disagreements, I always enjoy our debates.”

Ezekiel grinned. “As do I, Jeremiah. Iron sharpens iron, after all. Proverbs 27:17.”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Indeed. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll figure it all out.”

Ezekiel laughed. “Perhaps. But until then, we keep striving, keep debating, and keep loving our brethren, even those who stray.”

They walked home together, their hearts lightened by their shared journey and their unwavering faith. For they knew that, in the end, their efforts were indeed worth it.

Walking Worthily

In light of Ephesians 4:1-3, the apostle Paul, as a prisoner of the Lord, passionately urges believers to conduct their lives in a manner worthy of their divine calling. To “walk worthily” involves embracing humility, gentleness, patience, and love-infused tolerance toward one another. This transformative walk is not about claiming personal worthiness but responding to God’s invitation to partake in His divine life (Ephesians 4:1-3).

In practical terms, a “walk worthily” means actively preserving the unity of the Spirit and fostering a bond of peace among fellow believers. The prescribed unity is not subject to human desires but is grounded in God’s divine order (Ephesians 4:4-6). This underscores our responsibility to diligently pursue unity and peace according to God’s design, rather than our own preferences.

Consider the newspaper article highlighting a community’s collaborative efforts to bridge divides and promote understanding, mirroring the principles of Ephesians 4. This real-world example illustrates the impact of walking worthily in promoting harmony and unity.

As recipients of God’s calling, our gratitude is expressed not merely in words but in the daily decisions and actions that reflect a commitment to live in alignment with the values outlined in Ephesians 4:1-3. While acknowledging our unworthiness, we can respond with lives that walk worthily, thereby embodying the transformative power of God’s calling.

He Matters

In the quiet corners of every heart’s room,
Where shadows may linger, where doubts may loom,

Christ matters, His love an eternal stream,
A truth beyond time, like a sacred dream.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” He spoke,
A promise from the Scriptures, a celestial stroke.
Not just an anxiety teacher, as some may claim,
But the Lord of salvation, in Jesus’ name.

“In the beginning was the Word,” divine,
A truth transcendent, like aged wine.
Yet some dismiss, with a casual nod,
The wisdom found in the Word of God.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart,” it’s told,
In conservative teachings, a treasure to hold.
For Christ matters in every stride,
A Savior’s love, forever our guide.

“Love your neighbor as yourself,” the decree,
A concept rooted in Christianity’s tree.
Beyond outdated, beyond the fray,
In Christ’s love, we find our way.

“In Him, all things hold together,” the verse,
An anchor for souls, a blessing, not a curse.
Not mere philosophy from days of old,
But eternal truths, forever told.

So, let Christ matter in every land,
A cornerstone, steadfast, and grand.
Not confined to anxious thoughts alone,
But a Savior’s love, eternally known.

Christ Matters

While the phrase “Christ Matters” is succinct, its depth extends far beyond a mere catchphrase on a t-shirt. It encapsulates the essence of a belief system that has shaped civilizations, transformed lives, and continues to resonate profoundly today.

Faith in Jesus Christ matters immensely because His teachings, principles, and the eternal message of love and compassion have reverberated through time, impacting humanity in ways that transcend the boundaries of culture, race, and creed.

Jesus Christ’s relevance isn’t confined to a bygone era; His teachings remain pertinent in today’s complex world. His emphasis on love for one another, forgiveness, and compassion serves as a guiding light through life’s challenges.

In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus emphasized the two greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” These words, spoken centuries ago, resonate with unwavering relevance today, reminding us of the importance of empathy and kindness toward others.

The ethical and moral teachings of Jesus Christ, as outlined in the Bible, serve as a blueprint for living a meaningful and righteous life. In the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12), Jesus extols virtues such as humility, mercy, purity of heart, and peacemaking, virtues that transcend time and culture, guiding individuals towards a path of righteousness and fulfillment. These timeless teachings offer solace and guidance amid the chaos and moral decay that seem rampant in today’s society.

In a world often characterized by division, hostility, and self-centeredness, the teachings of Jesus Christ stand as a beacon of hope and reconciliation. In Ephesians 4:32, it is written, “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” This verse highlights the transformative power of forgiveness and underscores the importance of fostering a spirit of harmony and understanding, even in the face of adversity.

Furthermore, the teachings of Jesus Christ encourage individuals to prioritize values that transcend material possessions and earthly desires. In Matthew 6:19-21, Christ emphasizes the impermanence of worldly treasures and urges the pursuit of spiritual wealth: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” This admonition serves as a poignant reminder of the transient nature of material wealth and the enduring significance of spiritual fulfillment.

The urgency of embracing Jesus Christ’s teachings in contemporary society cannot be overstated. Amidst the challenges of moral relativism and a culture increasingly devoid of empathy, the relevance of Christ’s message shines brighter than ever. His teachings serve as a moral compass, guiding individuals toward lives filled with compassion, selflessness, and love.

In conclusion, the phrase “Christ Matters” extends far beyond a simple slogan; it embodies a profound truth that resonates through the ages. The teachings of Jesus Christ, as elucidated in the Bible, hold immense relevance in today’s world, offering timeless wisdom, ethical guidance, and a blueprint for righteous living.

Embracing these teachings instills hope, fosters compassion, and cultivates a society rooted in love and mutual respect, values that are indispensable in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

Worshiping in Spirit and Truth: Revisiting Instrumental Music in Worship

Worship practices have long been a topic of discussion within religious communities, often centering on whether instrumental music has a place in worship services. Advocates of instrumental music cite Psalms, particularly David’s words, as justification. However, delving into this matter from the lens of New Testament teachings reveals a different perspective worth exploring.

The assertion supporting instruments often derives from Psalms 150, where David urges the use of various instruments to praise God. This argument implies that if we are to accept instrumental music based on Psalms, it necessitates a broader adherence to Old Testament practices. Galatians 5:3’s analogy of circumcision becomes relevant here, emphasizing the interconnectedness of laws—if one is adopted, the whole must be followed. Yet, Christ’s arrival heralded liberty from the exhaustive demands of the Mosaic Law, as emphasized in Galatians 5:1.

Exploring this reasoning further, accepting instrumental music as mandated due to Psalms aligns with embracing sacrificial offerings, continuous burnt offerings, reinstating altars, and reconstructing the temple in Jerusalem—elements supplanted in the New Testament by the sacrifice of Christ (Psalms 20:3, Psalms 66:15, Psalms 50:8, Psalms 51:19, Psalms 27:4, Psalms 68:9).

Challenges to this viewpoint often pivot on the distinction between personal choice and communal worship practices. While an individual may personally engage with instruments outside formal worship, the contention arises when individual preferences are projected onto collective worship settings, assuming God’s endorsement without scriptural backing.

The heart of the matter lies in the absence of New Testament authorization for instrumental worship. Scripture explicitly advocates vocal singing in worship contexts (Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 3:16) without mentioning instruments. This absence prompts reflection on the legitimacy of introducing elements unsupported by New Testament guidance into collective worship.

The comparison of circumcision, a personal choice during the New Testament era, offers an insightful analogy (Acts 16:3, Galatians 6:5). Paul’s decision to circumcise Timothy wasn’t mandated by God but was circumstantial. Similarly, personal use of instruments outside worship doesn’t inherently oppose Scripture. However, conflating personal preferences with mandated collective worship introduces a new dimension of compliance.

The contention that God authorizes instrumental music raises a pivotal question: where is this endorsement explicitly found in the New Testament, the guiding document for Christian worship practices? If such authorization existed, it would stand as a requirement, not a subjective choice.

It’s crucial to distinguish the Jews’ obligation to use instruments in their worship from the absence of a similar mandate in the New Testament. If instruments were indeed God-ordained for worship, they would be obligatory for all worshipers, not subject to individual discretion.

In essence, the discussion on instrumental worship isn’t merely about personal preference; it’s about aligning worship practices with New Testament guidance. It’s about ensuring worship remains rooted in truth and spiritual authenticity, adhering to the scriptural framework outlined in the New Testament.

As believers seek to worship in spirit and truth, the significance of scriptural foundations in shaping worship practices cannot be understated. Embracing the New Testament framework for worship offers clarity and ensures devotion that is in harmony with the teachings of Christ and His apostles. This commitment to scriptural guidance provides a firm basis for worship practices, emphasizing vocal praise as the prescribed form of worship.

Magnify Almighty God Again

Restoring Moral Foundations for a Stronger Nation

In recent times, the socio-political landscape has been marked by fervent movements and fervid debates, each striving to shape the narrative of our nation. Amidst these clamors, one resounding call emerges—a call to “Magnify Almighty God Again.” This echoes a sentiment of rekindling the divine virtues that once guided our nation’s principles.

The acronym “MAGA,” often associated with a political movement, holds a different connotation here. Rather than emphasizing a partisan stance, it champions the reclamation of ethical and moral values that have been eroding in our society. It underscores the urgency to return to the higher ideals and standards that foster unity, compassion, and respect for one another.

A Glimpse into the Current State

Over the past decades, statistics from various institutions, including Focus on the Family, highlight concerning trends in societal dynamics. Crime rates, rioting incidents, civil unrest, and assaults have seen fluctuations, with certain periods witnessing an unsettling rise. However, the emphasis isn’t solely on these statistics but on recognizing the underlying factors contributing to such turmoil.

Prominent figures, some identifying strongly with their Christian beliefs, have voiced concerns about the deteriorating moral fabric of our society. Their advocacy for upholding ethical standards aligns with the fundamental teachings of scripture that emphasize compassion, justice, and love for one another.

Scriptural Perspectives on Restoration

Scripture itself echoes the call to magnify the Almighty. The Bible speaks of love, kindness, and righteousness as pillars that support a flourishing society. Psalms 34:3 reminds us to “Magnify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.” This resonates with the need to come together, regardless of differences, to uplift values that unite rather than divide.

The essence of “Magnify Almighty God Again” lies not in divisiveness but in unity, not in exclusion but in inclusivity. It champions a moral resurgence that transcends political boundaries, focusing on the shared values that elevate humanity.

The Path Forward

Addressing societal challenges necessitates a multifaceted approach. While statistics can illuminate trends, the solution lies in nurturing hearts and minds towards compassion, empathy, and ethical conduct. It’s not merely about highlighting the problems but actively participating in solutions.

To propagate this message of restoration and moral rejuvenation, a symbolic gesture emerges—a T-shirt that boldly proclaims “God is the Answer.” This isn’t just a garment; it’s a statement—an affirmation of faith and a call to action. Proceeds from this T-shirt campaign aim to support initiatives promoting community engagement, compassion, and ethical education.


Amid polarizing narratives, “Magnify Almighty God Again” emerges as a beacon of hope—a call to transcend differences and embrace the timeless virtues that foster societal harmony. It’s a reminder that the strength of a nation lies not only in its policies and structures but in the morality and ethical standards upheld by its people.

The choice to magnify God again isn’t just a slogan; it’s a commitment—a commitment to steer our nation toward unity, compassion, and ethical resurgence. As we navigate the complexities of our time, let us heed this call, for in magnifying the Almighty, we find the compass guiding us toward a better tomorrow.

Answering The Call

In the vibrant city of Neonova, Ethan’s life was a tapestry woven with threads of struggle and the delicate solace found amidst lines of code. His journey began in the shadows of a troubled childhood, where the absence of parental guidance left deep marks on his soul. Raised by their grandparents after a tragic accident claimed their parents’ lives, Ethan and his little sister, Lily, forged an unbreakable bond amidst the chaos.

Ethan’s earliest memories were colored with moments of resilience and love for Lily. He’d recall the night when a fierce storm rattled their windows, plunging the city into darkness. With Lily huddled close, trembling at each thunderous roar, Ethan became her shield, calming her fears with stories of brave knights and their valorous quests until sleep finally claimed her.

Another incident etched in Ethan’s memory was the time he stood up against a group of bullies who tormented Lily at school. His heart pounded like a drum as he faced them, unwavering in his determination to protect his sister. That day, he learned the power of courage and the sacrifices it demanded.

However, these experiences, coupled with the weight of shouldering responsibilities far beyond his years, took a toll on Ethan. As he grew, the scars of the past manifested in his adult life. Anxiety gnawed at him relentlessly, amplifying the stresses of daily existence. His circle of friends remained limited, and relationships slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.

The onset of adulthood only exacerbated Ethan’s struggles. Surrounded by a city alive with innovation, he found solace in the complexities of programming. Yet, the pressure of work and the haunting echoes of past trauma often pushed him to the edge. Sleepless nights and relentless self-doubt became companions on his solitary journey.

Amidst this tumultuous existence, the unexpected appearance of “Jesus calling” offered Ethan a lifeline. Skeptical yet longing for guidance, he answered. The soothing voice on the other end became his sanctuary. Through each call, “Jesus” became a steady guide, a source of comfort, and a beacon of hope. Ethan found respite in the wisdom and serenity of these conversations, seeking solace and counsel amidst life’s tempests.

As the young programmer navigated his solitary path, “Jesus” remained a constant companion, guiding him through the labyrinth of existence. Their mysterious connection was a lifeline in Ethan’s turbulent life, offering a semblance of peace and direction in his chaotic world.

Now, I wonder: Have you ever found unexpected guidance in an unconventional manner, much like Ethan’s “Jesus calling”? What sources of strength have emerged for you during challenging times? Share your thoughts and experiences on our blogging platform!

Praise & Worship: True Companions in Christian Living

In the bustling town nestled among the rolling hills, Sarah, with her infectious laughter and a penchant for spontaneous song, had grown up in a family of musicians. Her melodic voice echoed through the streets whenever she’d hum a tune or belt out a chorus, bringing joy to those who heard.

David, a gentle giant with a heart of gold, hailed from a lineage of philanthropists. He was the first to lend a hand or offer a comforting word to anyone in need. His kindness was legendary, earning him the nickname ‘David the Gentle’ among townsfolk.

Emily, the pensive dreamer, grew up with her nose always buried in books. Her fascination with ancient scriptures and thoughtful musings often led her to question the deeper meanings behind life’s mysteries. She had an uncanny ability to see beyond the surface.

One sunny afternoon, sprawled along the riverside, their conversation meandered toward the intricacies of praise and worship. Sarah, with her knack for harmonies, ardently believed in the power of music to elevate hearts. “Praise is like a chorus, a harmony of our voices lifting God and His Son with our songs,” she animatedly expressed.

David, ever the compassionate soul, interjected, “But worship, isn’t it about embodying love? Being the hands and feet of God, instruments of kindness and compassion?” His understanding of worship stemmed from acts of service.

Emily, with her contemplative gaze, pondered, “Could it be both? Praise in song and worship in service, like complementary notes in a symphony.”

Their lively discussion soon morphed into a spirited debate, their diverse viewpoints intertwining and weaving a web of confusion, casting a shadow on their camaraderie.

Their perplexity lingered until they encountered individuals around town embodying both praise and worship. They witnessed Sarah, lending her voice to a local sing-along while visiting the elderly, offering them comfort through songs of faith. Nearby, David, using his construction skills, repaired a neighbor’s broken fence while sharing words of encouragement and hope.

Emily, lost in thought, found herself drawn to a community garden, where she gently tended to the plants while sharing stories from ancient scriptures, offering wisdom to those who listened.

These acts were a revelation, an epiphany that praise and worship intertwined seamlessly in daily life. Recollecting verses they often discussed, Sarah quoted Ephesians 5:19, “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,” understanding that heartfelt conversations with God transcended mere melodies.

David, moved by the compassionate acts, recalled Psalm 147:7, “Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make melodies in your heart to our God,” seeing service as a resonating melody with the divine.

As they explored further, they found solace in Acts 16:25, the story of Paul and Silas, understanding that even amidst trials, praising God through song offered solace and hope.

Their newfound clarity dissolved their confusion, knitting their understanding into a harmonious bond. They laughed at their previous perplexity, now united in insight.

Armed with newfound wisdom, they joined hands, not just singing joyful hymns but engaging in acts of kindness as they served the community. They realized being instruments of God wasn’t just about the tunes they sang but the kindness they spread—a symphony of love and worship echoing through their actions.

As they embarked on this newfound journey, they left a lingering question in the minds of those they encountered: “What melodies are you singing, and what acts are you performing in your life’s symphony?”

Trinity of Love

In a quaint town nestled among rolling hills, there lived a trio of friends: Sarah, David, and Emily. They were inseparable, often seen wandering through the town’s cobbled streets, sharing laughter and adventures.

One breezy afternoon, while lounging in the park, their chatter turned to deeper matters—the meaning of life and the existence of something greater. Sarah, the thoughtful one, gazed at the sky and whispered, “The Father reigns in heaven’s height.”

David, the jovial jokester, grinned and exclaimed, “And the Son, our Savior, brings us light! That’s what my grandma always says!”

Emily, the quiet observer, nodded knowingly. “The Spirit moves, unseen, yet near, guiding souls with love sincere.”

Their conversation led them on a quest for understanding, seeking wisdom in the words of the Scriptures. As they journeyed, each encounter seemed to mirror the verses they discussed.

At the town square, Sarah paused to help a struggling elderly woman. Quoting Matthew 25:40, she said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” The woman’s face lit up with gratitude.

Meanwhile, David found himself in a local eatery, sharing a meal with a lonely man. With a smile, he recited John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” The man’s gloomy countenance transformed into hope.

Emily stumbled upon a group of children playing by the riverbank. She knelt and shared, “Psalm 139:7 says, ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?’ God is always near.” The children’s innocent giggles filled the air.

Their encounters deepened their understanding of the divine presence in everyday life. As they continued their journey, they stumbled upon a charity event where they witnessed generosity and compassion. Quoting 1 John 4:9, they realized, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”

Their experiences bonded them even more, reaffirming their faith and friendship. With hearts brimming with gratitude, they returned to the park, where they first delved into their spiritual quest. Looking at each other, they recited Jeremiah 29:13 in unison, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Their journey had taught them that the message on their t-shirts wasn’t just words—it was a revelation. With smiles and a newfound sense of purpose, they vowed to continue spreading the love and light they had discovered, one verse and one act of kindness at a time.

And as they laughed and teased each other under the setting sun, they knew that the divine presence they sought was always with them—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—guiding their souls with love sincerely.