Is It Really Worth It?

The sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm glow over the peaceful countryside. Jeremiah and Ezekiel, two seasoned travelers, made their way along the winding path that led to their humble abode. As they walked, the evening breeze carried with it the scent of wildflowers and the gentle rustle of leaves.

Their conversation meandered through the trials and triumphs of their recent endeavors. The topic turned to the challenges they faced in their ministry, particularly in their efforts to reach those in prison with the message of hope and redemption.

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“It weighs heavily on my heart, Ezekiel,” Jeremiah confessed, his voice tinged with concern. “The trials we face in spreading the gospel to those in prison seem insurmountable at times. Is it worth it?”

Ezekiel, ever the optimist, paused to consider Jeremiah’s question. “My dear friend,” he began, his voice steady and reassuring, “though the path may be fraught with obstacles, we must not lose sight of the greater purpose of our calling. As it is written, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). In obedience to this command, we find meaning and fulfillment, regardless of the challenges we encounter.”

Jeremiah nodded, taking comfort in Ezekiel’s words. “You speak the truth, my friend,” he acknowledged. “Even in the face of adversity, the work of spreading the gospel is a noble endeavor. It is indeed worth it.”

Their conversation continued as they made their way home, their hearts buoyed by the timeless truth of scripture.

Arriving at their modest dwelling, Jeremiah and Ezekiel settled into their familiar surroundings. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated the room as they prepared to break bread together. As they ate, their conversation turned to their experiences in ministering to those in need, both within the prison walls and beyond.

“I cannot help but wonder about the impact of our efforts,” Jeremiah mused, his brow furrowed in thought. “Do you ever question whether we are truly making a difference?”

Ezekiel considered Jeremiah’s question before responding. “It is natural to have doubts, my friend,” he replied gently. “But let us not underestimate the power of God’s word to transform lives. As it is written, ‘For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it'” (Isaiah 55:10-11).

Jeremiah nodded, his faith reaffirmed by Ezekiel’s words. “Indeed, we must trust in the power of God’s word to work in the hearts of those we minister to,” he agreed. “For even in the face of uncertainty, we can take comfort in the knowledge that our efforts are not in vain.”

As the evening wore on, Jeremiah and Ezekiel continued to share stories of their encounters with those they had sought to reach. Some tales were filled with triumph, while others bore the weight of disappointment and sorrow. Yet through it all, their bond remained unbreakable, strengthened by their shared commitment to their calling.

In the days that followed, Jeremiah and Ezekiel redoubled their efforts in spreading the gospel, undeterred by the challenges they faced. They visited the prison regularly, offering words of encouragement and hope to those who were incarcerated. They also extended their ministry to the surrounding communities, reaching out to the lost and the brokenhearted with the message of salvation.

Their work was not without its struggles. They faced opposition from those who doubted the sincerity of their efforts and questioned the effectiveness of their methods. Yet Jeremiah and Ezekiel remained steadfast in their conviction, trusting in the guidance of a higher power to lead them forward.

One day, as they made their way to the prison to conduct their weekly Bible study, they encountered a group of individuals gathered by the roadside. Among them was a young man named Daniel, whose life had been ravaged by addiction and despair.

“Is it worth it?” Daniel asked, his voice tinged with skepticism. “Do you really believe that your words can make a difference in someone like me?”

Jeremiah and Ezekiel exchanged a knowing glance before Ezekiel spoke. “We believe in the transformative power of God’s word,” he replied, his tone gentle yet firm. “As it is written, ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes’ (Romans 1:16). We have seen firsthand the impact that the gospel can have on a person’s life, and we have faith that it can bring about change in yours as well.”

Daniel listened intently as Jeremiah and Ezekiel shared stories of redemption and hope, their words resonating deeply with his troubled soul. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape

, Daniel made a decision that would alter the course of his life forever.

“I want to know more,” he declared, his voice filled with newfound resolve. “I want to learn about this God who can bring hope to the hopeless and light to the darkest of places.”

With hearts full of gratitude, Jeremiah and Ezekiel welcomed Daniel into their fold, embracing him as a brother in faith. Together, they embarked on a journey of discovery and transformation, united by their shared belief in the power of God’s love to change lives.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Jeremiah and Ezekiel continued to minister to those in need, their faith unwavering in the face of adversity. Though they faced challenges and setbacks along the way, they remained steadfast in their commitment to their calling, trusting in the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

And as they looked back on their journey, they marveled at the countless lives that had been touched and transformed by the power of God’s word. For in the end, they knew that their efforts had not been in vain, and that the work they had undertaken was indeed worth it.

Jesus Loves The Mess

In the tranquil countryside, where the air was sweet with the scent of wildflowers and the melody of birdsong filled the air, there lived a young farmer named Jacob. Jacob’s days were spent toiling under the sun, tending to the fields, and caring for his livestock with steadfast determination.

One golden morning, as Jacob ventured into town to sell his produce at the market, disaster struck. A sudden gust of wind swept through the bustling square, knocking over his basket of freshly picked apples and sending them rolling across the cobblestone streets.

Amidst the chaos, Jacob’s heart sank as he watched his hard work scattered and bruised. Feeling defeated, he sank to his knees, unsure of how to salvage the situation.

But just as despair threatened to overwhelm him, a gentle voice broke through the commotion. “Let me help you,” it said, and Jacob looked up to see a stranger kneeling beside him, a warm smile on his weathered face.

“Jesus loves through the mess,” the stranger reassured him, gesturing to the spilled apples scattered at their feet.

As Jacob blinked back tears of gratitude, he noticed a coffee cup lying nearby, its contents spilled and making a big mess. “I don’t even know where that came from,” he muttered, feeling even more embarrassed by the chaos around him.

The stranger chuckled softly and reached for the coffee cup, offering Jacob a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “It’s alright, my friend,” he said, quoting from Isaiah 43:2: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”

In that moment, Jacob felt a sense of peace wash over him. He realized that just as Jesus was willing to pick up the pieces of his messy life, He was also present in the midst of the chaos, offering comfort and reassurance.

With renewed determination, Jacob joined the stranger in gathering the spilled apples and coffee, grateful for the reminder that no matter how messy life may get, Jesus’s love remains steadfast, unwavering, and ever-present.

Answering The Call

In the vibrant city of Neonova, Ethan’s life was a tapestry woven with threads of struggle and the delicate solace found amidst lines of code. His journey began in the shadows of a troubled childhood, where the absence of parental guidance left deep marks on his soul. Raised by their grandparents after a tragic accident claimed their parents’ lives, Ethan and his little sister, Lily, forged an unbreakable bond amidst the chaos.

Ethan’s earliest memories were colored with moments of resilience and love for Lily. He’d recall the night when a fierce storm rattled their windows, plunging the city into darkness. With Lily huddled close, trembling at each thunderous roar, Ethan became her shield, calming her fears with stories of brave knights and their valorous quests until sleep finally claimed her.

Another incident etched in Ethan’s memory was the time he stood up against a group of bullies who tormented Lily at school. His heart pounded like a drum as he faced them, unwavering in his determination to protect his sister. That day, he learned the power of courage and the sacrifices it demanded.

However, these experiences, coupled with the weight of shouldering responsibilities far beyond his years, took a toll on Ethan. As he grew, the scars of the past manifested in his adult life. Anxiety gnawed at him relentlessly, amplifying the stresses of daily existence. His circle of friends remained limited, and relationships slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.

The onset of adulthood only exacerbated Ethan’s struggles. Surrounded by a city alive with innovation, he found solace in the complexities of programming. Yet, the pressure of work and the haunting echoes of past trauma often pushed him to the edge. Sleepless nights and relentless self-doubt became companions on his solitary journey.

Amidst this tumultuous existence, the unexpected appearance of “Jesus calling” offered Ethan a lifeline. Skeptical yet longing for guidance, he answered. The soothing voice on the other end became his sanctuary. Through each call, “Jesus” became a steady guide, a source of comfort, and a beacon of hope. Ethan found respite in the wisdom and serenity of these conversations, seeking solace and counsel amidst life’s tempests.

As the young programmer navigated his solitary path, “Jesus” remained a constant companion, guiding him through the labyrinth of existence. Their mysterious connection was a lifeline in Ethan’s turbulent life, offering a semblance of peace and direction in his chaotic world.

Now, I wonder: Have you ever found unexpected guidance in an unconventional manner, much like Ethan’s “Jesus calling”? What sources of strength have emerged for you during challenging times? Share your thoughts and experiences on our blogging platform!

Embracing Forgiveness: The Message Behind “Forgiven: Washed Clean by Love” T-Shirt

In a world marked by a multitude of messages and expressions, a simple statement can often carry profound significance. The phrase “Forgiven: Washed Clean by Love” printed on a new t-shirt encapsulates the essence of a forgiving spirit in our spiritual journey, drawing from the teachings of Jesus Christ as echoed in the New Testament scriptures.

The concept of forgiveness lies at the core of Christian teachings, exemplified by Jesus Christ’s life and ministry. The New Testament, particularly in the Gospels and the writings of the apostles, emphasizes the transformative power of forgiveness. It’s not merely an act but a way of life, a virtue that defines the Christian walk.

One of the most powerful teachings on forgiveness comes from Jesus Himself in the Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” (Matthew 6:12, NLT). This profound statement underscores the reciprocal nature of forgiveness – our forgiveness of others is intertwined with receiving forgiveness ourselves.

Additionally, Jesus’s actions on the cross epitomize divine forgiveness. Amid excruciating pain, He uttered, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34, NLT), demonstrating unparalleled compassion and forgiveness even towards those who crucified Him.

The apostle Paul also emphasizes forgiveness in his letters. In Ephesians 4:32 (NLT), he urges believers to “be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” This reflects the transformative power of God’s forgiveness, which should guide believers in their relationships with others.

The “Forgiven: Washed Clean by Love” t-shirt serves as a powerful reminder of these biblical truths. It beckons individuals to embrace a spirit of forgiveness rooted in divine love. By wearing this message, one not only professes their own experience of God’s forgiveness but also extends that same grace and mercy to others.

Forgiveness isn’t merely a theological concept; it’s a daily practice. Wearing this shirt is a declaration of choosing forgiveness in a world often marked by resentment and division. It’s an invitation to conversations about the transformative power of forgiveness in our lives and relationships.

In conclusion, forgiveness isn’t easy, but it’s transformative. The “Forgiven: Washed Clean by Love” t-shirt encapsulates this profound truth, urging us to embody the forgiving spirit of Christ in our daily lives.

What are your thoughts on forgiveness in today’s world? How does the message on this t-shirt resonate with your understanding of forgiveness in your own life?

NEW RELEASE: Overcoming Gossip

  1. Overcoming Gossip
  2. How Satan, the Accuser of the Brethren, Uses Gossip to Fragment the Body of Christ

Overcoming Gossip takes a serious look at how the “accuser of the brethren” works in partnership with people who gossip to bring down God’s children and keep a spirit of disrespect alive in families, churches, ministries, and communities.

Through true stories gathered from believers, Overcoming Gossip highlights the various types of gossip, as well as many of the common motivations – conscious or unconscious – for negative speech coming from Christians.

Balanced perfectly with God’s love, the author paints a positive picture of hope and discusses the importance of forgiveness. This book provides a comprehensive guide for Christians who want to stop accusing the brethren and learn to live a life of love and grace toward others.

Both inspirational and instructional, the powerful stories are filled with wisdom that is sure to change the way you think and talk.

©2011 Mark D. Michael (P)2020 Destiny Image Audio

“Gossip is like a person who has a picture of you doing something wrong, and each time you seek to move beyond it, they pull out the picture to remind you of your past, thus leaving you feeling inextricably bound to your mistakes.”

COMING SOON: The Christian Moral Life

The Christian Moral Life written by John Rziha, Narrated by Andrew L. Barnes will be released in June 2020! This book takes listeners on a journey that requires the sojourner to know where they are, where they are going, and sets a our minds on the ultimate destination, happiness in the presence of God.

Moral theology examines the same three truths. The Christian Moral Life is a handbook for moral theology that uses the theme of a journey to explain its key ethical concepts.

“…the study of how humans attain eternal happiness through loving union with God by performing their proper actions with the aid of God’s grace.”


First, humans begin with their creation in the image of God. Secondly, the goal of the journey is explained as a loving union with God, to achieve a share in his eternal happiness. Third and finally, the majority of the book examines how to attain this goal. Within the journey motif, the book covers the moral principles essential for attaining true happiness.

Based on an examination of the moral methodology in the bible, the book discusses the importance of participating in divine nature through grace in order to attain eternal happiness.

It further notes the role of law, virtue, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in guiding and transforming humans into friends of God, who participate in his happiness. Following this section on moral theology in general, the book analyzes the individual virtues to give more concrete guidance.


The entire project builds upon the insights of great Christian thinkers, such as Thomas Aquinas, Thérèse of Lisieux, and John Paul II, to uncover the moral wisdom in scripture and to show people how to be truly happy both in this life and the next.

This book will be of great interest to undergraduate students of moral theology, priests and seminarians, parents and teachers seeking to raise and to form happy children, and anyone interested in discovering the meaning of true happiness.