Understanding the Role of Elders in Guiding the Congregation

Setting: Ezekiel and Barnabas, affectionately called “Barney” when he says something especially silly, are relaxing at a sunny lakeside park. Children play on the nearby swings, ducks glide across the water, and a gentle breeze rustles the leaves of the surrounding trees. Jeremiah sits nearby, seemingly lost in thought.

Ezekiel: [leaning back on the picnic blanket] You know, Barney, I’ve been thinking about how we should obey our leaders in the church. It’s more about following their wise counsel rather than just blindly doing whatever they say.

Barnabas: [scratching his head] Oh, you mean like when I follow the GPS, even if it leads me into a lake? [grins]

Ezekiel: [laughing] Not quite like that, Barney. It’s more about being persuaded by their wisdom and experience. Like when Peter said, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29).

Jeremiah: [mumbling to himself, barely paying attention] Right, it’s about being persuaded, not commanded…

Barnabas: [nudging Ezekiel] Hey, Zeke, what’s up with Jeremiah today? He looks like he’s trying to solve the world’s biggest puzzle.

Ezekiel: [glancing at Jeremiah] I noticed that too. Maybe he’s just deep in thought about the topic. So, Barney, did you know that in Hebrews 13:17, the word “obey” actually means to be persuaded, to listen to, to yield to?

Barnabas: [wide-eyed] Whoa, so it’s like when my dog finally sits because he’s convinced I have a treat? [chuckles]

Ezekiel: [smiling] Kind of. It’s about elders leading by persuasion rather than by command. They should have the kind of character that makes us want to follow them willingly.

Barnabas: [trying to connect the dots] So, it’s like when I trust my grandma’s advice on baking cookies because she’s been doing it forever?

Ezekiel: [nodding] Exactly! Elders earn our trust and respect through their godly lives and wise leadership. They guide us, and we follow because we see their dedication to serving Christ.

Jeremiah: [suddenly interjecting] And that’s why it’s crucial to appoint qualified men as elders. If they lack the Spirit-authored qualifications, they might become authoritarian instead of persuasive leaders.

Barnabas: [tilting his head] So, if an elder starts acting like a dictator, it means he wasn’t really qualified in the first place?

Ezekiel: [thoughtful] In many cases, yes. That’s why Paul warned us about self-serving leaders in Acts 20:28-30. We need to be careful who we appoint.

Jeremiah: [absentmindedly nodding] Right, and the congregation should have a say in appointing these leaders, just like in Acts 6:3…

Barnabas: [looking puzzled] Jeremiah, are you even here with us? You keep zoning out like you’re watching an invisible TV.

Ezekiel: [smiling] Yeah, Jeremiah, what’s on your mind? You seem really distracted today.

Jeremiah: [snapping back to the present] Oh, sorry. Just… thinking about something. Anyway, Barney, you should know that elders have the authority to lead, not to boss people around. It’s about influencing with their example, not issuing orders.

Barnabas: [grinning] So, they’re like the head chef in a kitchen. They guide the team, but they don’t micromanage every dish?

Ezekiel: [laughing] Exactly, Barney. And just like in a well-run kitchen, everyone has a role and contributes to the overall success. Elders oversee and guide without taking over every detail.

Jeremiah: [more animated now] And this kind of leadership fosters participation and involvement from everyone in the congregation. It’s about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Barnabas: [leaning back, satisfied] Got it. Elders should lead like my mom when she organizes our family road trips. She plans the route but lets us pick the snacks and music.

Ezekiel: [smiling] Perfect analogy, Barney. Elders guide the overall direction while allowing room for everyone’s input and participation.

Jeremiah: [sighing, seemingly deep in thought again] Yeah… input and participation…

Barnabas: [whispering to Ezekiel] Seriously, what’s up with him? Should we be worried?

Ezekiel: [whispering back] I don’t know, but let’s keep the conversation going. Maybe he’ll open up.

Barnabas: [speaking up] So, Zeke, about submitting to elders. It’s more about respect and cooperation than just doing what they say, right?

Ezekiel: [nodding] Exactly, Barney. Hebrews 13:17 talks about submitting to their authority out of respect and trust. It’s about yielding to their guidance because we believe they have the congregation’s best interests at heart.

Jeremiah: [distractedly nodding] Submission isn’t about blind obedience, it’s about trusting their judgment…

Barnabas: [playfully] Hey, Jere, are you planning a secret mission or something? You’ve been acting like a secret agent all day!

Jeremiah: [snapping out of it] What? No, nothing like that. Just… some personal stuff on my mind.

Ezekiel: [gently] We’re here for you, Jeremiah. You don’t have to carry whatever it is alone.

Jeremiah: [smiling slightly] Thanks, Ezekiel. I appreciate that. And you too, Barney. Sorry for being so distracted today.


Barnabas: [grinning] No worries, Jere. Just remember, if you need to talk, we’re all ears. Even if we have to wade through some Greek words to understand you! [laughs]

Ezekiel: [laughing] Yeah, Jeremiah, we’re here. Now, let’s get back to enjoying this beautiful day and the wisdom we’ve been sharing.

[The trio continues their discussion, with Jeremiah gradually opening up more, finding solace in the company of his friends, and the conversation flowing with a blend of humor and deep insights about leadership and obedience in the church.]

The Elders’ Dilemma

Scene: Jeremiah and Ezekiel sitting in a coffee shop. Jeremiah is reading a letter he received from a fellow church member while Ezekiel stirs his coffee.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the small, cozy café as Jeremiah and Ezekiel settled into their usual corner booth. Jeremiah unfolded a letter he had received and began to read aloud to Ezekiel.

“Dear Jeremiah,” he started, “I’m a member of the church of Christ and I’ve recently read your article ‘Majority vs Elder Rule’. Our congregation is going through a tough time. We have elders who aren’t being the leaders they should be. They’ve hired a minister with a history of splitting congregations, and they refuse to meet with us as a group. What should we do?”

Ezekiel raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a sticky situation. What do you think, Jeremiah?”

Jeremiah sighed and took a sip of his coffee. “It’s a difficult spot for sure. Elders are supposed to lead the church, not divide it. Remember what Paul said in I Timothy 5:19-20: ‘Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.'”

Ezekiel nodded. “So, they need to gather evidence and confront the elders with solid proof of their wrongdoing, not just opinions or preferences.”

Jeremiah agreed. “Exactly. It’s important to document everything. If individual meetings aren’t working, they should approach the elders in small groups, just like Matthew 18:16 advises: ‘But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.'”


Ezekiel chuckled. “Sounds like we need to call in a biblical detective team. ‘CSI: Church of Christ’.”

Jeremiah laughed. “Indeed! But all humor aside, it’s crucial they follow the scriptural process. If the elders still refuse to listen, they might have to bring it before the whole church. Matthew 18:17 says, ‘And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.'”

Ezekiel shook his head. “And if the congregation sides with the elders despite the evidence?”

Jeremiah paused, thinking deeply. “Then it might be time to consider a more drastic step. They may need to find a new congregation or even start a new one, as hard as that might be. The unity of the church is important, but not at the expense of doctrinal purity and proper leadership.”


Ezekiel leaned back, his face serious. “That’s a tough call. But if the elders are truly in the wrong, they’re not leading the church in accordance with God’s will.”

Jeremiah nodded. “True. It’s a serious matter. The church must stay faithful to God above all else. Elders have a huge responsibility, and when they misuse their position, it can lead the congregation astray. That’s why Paul emphasized accountability in I Timothy.”

Ezekiel sipped his coffee thoughtfully. “You know, Jeremiah, this reminds me of the time we dealt with that situation about the church kitchen. Remember? The arguments about whether it was scriptural to have one?”

Jeremiah chuckled. “Oh yes, I remember. ‘Is it a kitchen or a cafeteria?’ was the big debate. But seriously, this situation is more severe. It’s about leadership and the spiritual well-being of the congregation.”

Ezekiel grinned. “I suppose the stakes are higher than whether or not we can have potlucks.”

Jeremiah laughed. “Definitely. But the principle is the same: staying true to biblical teachings. We must always ensure our actions align with scripture, whether it’s about kitchens or elders.”

Ezekiel finished his coffee and looked at Jeremiah. “So, what advice should we give them?”

Jeremiah folded the letter and put it back in his pocket. “They need to follow the steps outlined in the Bible: gather evidence, confront the elders in small groups, and if necessary, bring it before the church. And if all else fails, consider finding or starting a congregation that upholds biblical principles.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Sounds like a plan. It won’t be easy, but it’s the right thing to do.”

Jeremiah smiled. “Yes, it is. Now, how about we grab another cup of coffee and continue our discussion about the theological implications of pineapple on pizza?”

Ezekiel laughed. “I’m ready for that debate any day. Lead the way, Jeremiah!”

Is It Really Worth It?

The sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a warm glow over the peaceful countryside. Jeremiah and Ezekiel, two seasoned travelers, made their way along the winding path that led to their humble abode. As they walked, the evening breeze carried with it the scent of wildflowers and the gentle rustle of leaves.

Their conversation meandered through the trials and triumphs of their recent endeavors. The topic turned to the challenges they faced in their ministry, particularly in their efforts to reach those in prison with the message of hope and redemption.

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“It weighs heavily on my heart, Ezekiel,” Jeremiah confessed, his voice tinged with concern. “The trials we face in spreading the gospel to those in prison seem insurmountable at times. Is it worth it?”

Ezekiel, ever the optimist, paused to consider Jeremiah’s question. “My dear friend,” he began, his voice steady and reassuring, “though the path may be fraught with obstacles, we must not lose sight of the greater purpose of our calling. As it is written, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature’ (Mark 16:15). In obedience to this command, we find meaning and fulfillment, regardless of the challenges we encounter.”

Jeremiah nodded, taking comfort in Ezekiel’s words. “You speak the truth, my friend,” he acknowledged. “Even in the face of adversity, the work of spreading the gospel is a noble endeavor. It is indeed worth it.”

Their conversation continued as they made their way home, their hearts buoyed by the timeless truth of scripture.

Arriving at their modest dwelling, Jeremiah and Ezekiel settled into their familiar surroundings. The soft glow of lamplight illuminated the room as they prepared to break bread together. As they ate, their conversation turned to their experiences in ministering to those in need, both within the prison walls and beyond.

“I cannot help but wonder about the impact of our efforts,” Jeremiah mused, his brow furrowed in thought. “Do you ever question whether we are truly making a difference?”

Ezekiel considered Jeremiah’s question before responding. “It is natural to have doubts, my friend,” he replied gently. “But let us not underestimate the power of God’s word to transform lives. As it is written, ‘For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it'” (Isaiah 55:10-11).

Jeremiah nodded, his faith reaffirmed by Ezekiel’s words. “Indeed, we must trust in the power of God’s word to work in the hearts of those we minister to,” he agreed. “For even in the face of uncertainty, we can take comfort in the knowledge that our efforts are not in vain.”

As the evening wore on, Jeremiah and Ezekiel continued to share stories of their encounters with those they had sought to reach. Some tales were filled with triumph, while others bore the weight of disappointment and sorrow. Yet through it all, their bond remained unbreakable, strengthened by their shared commitment to their calling.

In the days that followed, Jeremiah and Ezekiel redoubled their efforts in spreading the gospel, undeterred by the challenges they faced. They visited the prison regularly, offering words of encouragement and hope to those who were incarcerated. They also extended their ministry to the surrounding communities, reaching out to the lost and the brokenhearted with the message of salvation.

Their work was not without its struggles. They faced opposition from those who doubted the sincerity of their efforts and questioned the effectiveness of their methods. Yet Jeremiah and Ezekiel remained steadfast in their conviction, trusting in the guidance of a higher power to lead them forward.

One day, as they made their way to the prison to conduct their weekly Bible study, they encountered a group of individuals gathered by the roadside. Among them was a young man named Daniel, whose life had been ravaged by addiction and despair.

“Is it worth it?” Daniel asked, his voice tinged with skepticism. “Do you really believe that your words can make a difference in someone like me?”

Jeremiah and Ezekiel exchanged a knowing glance before Ezekiel spoke. “We believe in the transformative power of God’s word,” he replied, his tone gentle yet firm. “As it is written, ‘For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes’ (Romans 1:16). We have seen firsthand the impact that the gospel can have on a person’s life, and we have faith that it can bring about change in yours as well.”

Daniel listened intently as Jeremiah and Ezekiel shared stories of redemption and hope, their words resonating deeply with his troubled soul. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the landscape

, Daniel made a decision that would alter the course of his life forever.

“I want to know more,” he declared, his voice filled with newfound resolve. “I want to learn about this God who can bring hope to the hopeless and light to the darkest of places.”

With hearts full of gratitude, Jeremiah and Ezekiel welcomed Daniel into their fold, embracing him as a brother in faith. Together, they embarked on a journey of discovery and transformation, united by their shared belief in the power of God’s love to change lives.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Jeremiah and Ezekiel continued to minister to those in need, their faith unwavering in the face of adversity. Though they faced challenges and setbacks along the way, they remained steadfast in their commitment to their calling, trusting in the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

And as they looked back on their journey, they marveled at the countless lives that had been touched and transformed by the power of God’s word. For in the end, they knew that their efforts had not been in vain, and that the work they had undertaken was indeed worth it.

Echoes of a Dream

In the echoes of a dream, where freedom rings,
A melody of justice, where each heart sings.
Martin Luther King Jr., a beacon so bright,
Guiding us towards a world, bathed in light.

“It’s about character over color,” he declared,
A vision of unity, a dream we’ve shared.
Beyond the hues that paint our skin,
Let character’s radiance truly begin.

No shackles of bias, no chains of strife,
But a celebration of the essence of life.
In the tapestry of humanity, colors blend,
Character’s the thread that binds, my friend.

Let judgments be not based on shade,
But on the kindness in actions displayed.
For in each soul, a unique story unfolds,
A tale of character, a narrative to be told.

May the canvas of perception be ever clear,
With understanding and empathy near.
No divisions by color, no lines to sever,
In unity, we cherish, in character, forever.

So, let the legacy of Martin Luther King endure,
In the spirit of love, equality, and more.
A world where character triumphs over the hue,
For in unity and justice, dreams come true.

The Power of S.W.A.G.

In a world packed with challenges and uncertainties, there’s this epic force called grace—God’s favor and compassion that flip life’s script. It’s the ultimate game-changer, offering comfort, redemption, and a roadmap to a life packed with meaning.

Picture this: a tee shouting “SWAG – Saved With Abundant Grace.” Beyond a catchy line, it’s a daily nod to God’s boundless love for His squad. That tee? It’s more than threads; it’s a shoutout to grace that can light up every nook of our lives.

The Bible? It’s the plug for wisdom, and it’s all about grace’s epic perks:

Ephesians 2:8-9: “Saved by grace, not by your hustle—it’s God’s gift, no boasting!” Grace isn’t about what we do; it’s about what God gives.

2 Corinthians 12:9: “When you’re feeling low, grace’s got your back.” It’s power in your weakest moments.

Romans 5:20: “Sin’s got nothing on grace—it’s always got your six.” No matter the mess-ups, grace is bigger.

Titus 2:11: “Grace is for everyone, no VIPs.” It’s a worldwide invite to grace’s game-changing party.

James 4:6: “Stay humble, get more grace.” Being real opens the grace floodgates.

The Bible’s stacked with stories showing grace in action. Like Saul becoming Paul—from Christian-hater to grace preacher. That’s a whole 180!

Rocking that “SWAG – Saved With Abundant Grace” tee? It’s more than a style move; it’s shouting out the real deal. It’s a convo starter, a chance to share how grace flips lives and gets people curious.

So, when you rock that tee, remember the crazy amount of grace we’ve scored. Let it spark a fire to spread that same love around. It’s a shoutout to being thankful for the love we don’t deserve and spreading that game-changing grace vibe.

In a world itching for hope and a comeback story, let’s rep our “SWAG” and show how grace can turn lives around.

The Church Lady

In the heart of a charming town, there was this dynamite church where Mrs. Thompson, the legendary Church Mama, reigned supreme. She had this knack for welcoming kids with open arms and that warm hug that could make your day.

During Sunday school, she’d spin Bible stories like fairy tales, making ’em pop with her animated storytelling. But heaven help the mischief-makers! When things got too rowdy, out came the infamous “Look.” It was a blend of love and warning that could freeze a room quicker than an ice storm.

Off the church grounds, Mrs. Thompson was a superhero, showing up with her magical chicken soup for the sick and comforting families in need. She orchestrated parties and plays that made every kid feel like a star.

And oh, the tales she’d spin! Like the one about rescuing a lost kitten, teaching the gang about kindness and helping others.

Years passed, kids grew up, but Mrs. Thompson’s “Look” stayed etched in their memories. Her lessons of love and faith? They stuck like glue. Her legacy was a big, glowing neon sign of love and kindness, thanks to one awesome Church Mama!

What is the name of your favorite Church Lady? Do you have a precious memory to share? Please do so in the comments below.

Sisters Potluck!

You Were Warned

Introducing our exclusive “Sisters in Christ Potluck” T-shirt, a delightful blend of humor and faith-inspired wisdom!

In a world where patience and temperance are virtues to uphold, this tee serves as a gentle yet powerful reminder. The bold statement, “Don’t Mess With Me. I’ll get my sisters in Christ and we’ll organize a potluck that’ll make you repent for days!”, encapsulates the essence of grace and unity found in Christian sisterhood.

Embracing the spirit of camaraderie and understanding, this shirt draws inspiration from biblical teachings that urge us to exhibit patience and refrain from instigating trouble. In Galatians 5:22-23, the fruits of the Spirit remind us of the importance of exhibiting qualities such as patience, kindness, and self-control.

The design embodies the lighthearted approach to dealing with challenges while exemplifying the strength found in collective support. Proverbs 15:1 echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the power of a gentle response in diffusing situations.

Crafted with premium quality fabric and a comfortable fit, this t-shirt is a stylish addition to your wardrobe, spreading a message of peace, patience, and the joy of communal gatherings. Whether worn casually or to spark conversations, it serves as a beacon of positivity and a testament to the calm and understanding nature we aspire to embody.

Wear it proudly as a reminder to walk in the light, exhibiting the patience and temperance reflective of our Christian values. Let’s join hands as sisters in Christ, fostering unity and understanding in a world that often seeks discord.

Get your “Sisters in Christ Potluck” T-shirt today and spread a message of patience, unity, and the strength found in Christian fellowship!

Thanksgiving in the Face of Opposition

New Orleans: Thanksgiving Amidst Struggles for Freedom

In New Orleans, the historical significance of Thanksgiving for enslaved individuals was a nuanced reflection of their existence amid societal constraints. While the festivity bore semblances to the traditional holiday, it was fraught with limitations and hardships. Families, torn apart by the cruel institution of slavery, often faced ordinances restricting gatherings and imposing fragmented celebrations. Ownership of property or the ability to celebrate freely was a luxury few could afford.

However, amidst these adversities, the resilience of enslaved communities prevailed. Defying restrictions, they clandestinely congregated, cherishing brief moments of unity and spiritual solace. The struggle to reclaim familial bonds and preserve cultural traditions persisted despite the oppressive environment.

The defeat of such policies and restrictions wasn’t immediate, but gradual emancipation and the eventual abolishment of slavery marked pivotal victories. Though challenges persisted for newly freed blacks, the resilience and fortitude exhibited during these Thanksgiving gatherings echoed the enduring spirit of perseverance.

Natchez, Mississippi: A Tapestry of Thanksgiving and Resilience

In Natchez, Thanksgiving for enslaved individuals was interwoven with the fabric of their daily lives under bondage. Ordinances and restrictions often curtailed the expression of familial ties, limiting the joyousness of the occasion. Despite these constraints, slaves sought solace in communal gatherings, sharing meager yet heartfelt meals as an act of solidarity and defiance against their circumstances.

The defeat of oppressive ordinances didn’t happen overnight. It was a culmination of persistent advocacy, resistance, and the tireless pursuit of justice. The gradual shift towards freedom and the acknowledgment of the rights of newly freed blacks marked a turning point, albeit amidst ongoing challenges and struggles.

Memphis, Tennessee: Thanksgiving in the Shadow of Inequality

Memphis, with its history as a major slave market, bore witness to Thanksgiving celebrations fraught with inequality and systemic injustices. Enslaved individuals faced severe limitations in expressing gratitude and gathering with loved ones. The ownership of property or the freedom to celebrate was marred by the specter of oppression.

The defeat of these inequalities was a protracted battle. The Civil War and subsequent Reconstruction era brought transformative changes, yet the fight against discrimination persisted. The slow march toward equality and justice paved the way for significant reforms, underscoring the progress made while acknowledging the ongoing work needed to achieve a more equitable society.

Escaping Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1820-1860 By: S. Charles Bolton Narrated by: Andrew L. Barnes Length: 11 hrs and 36 mins Unabridged Audiobook

Louisiana’s Plantations: Thanksgiving as a Tool for Reflection and Education

Louisiana’s plantations, now transformed into educational museums, serve as poignant reminders of the harsh realities faced by enslaved individuals during Thanksgiving and beyond. These sites facilitate crucial conversations about the legacy of slavery, offering a platform for reflection and education on racial injustice and historical accountability.

The defeat of ignorance and silence came through the acknowledgment of historical truths and the pursuit of comprehensive education. These museums, while not perfect, represent strides toward fostering understanding and dialogue critical for societal progress.

In today’s world, as we gather for Thanksgiving, it’s crucial to reflect on the complex history embedded in these regions. While the state of the union today isn’t without flaws, acknowledging and understanding the struggles faced by those in the past fosters gratitude for the progress made while inspiring continued efforts toward a more equitable and inclusive future.

This exploration aims to connect the historical traditions of Thanksgiving for slaves in each region to contemporary issues, emphasizing the resilience and struggles faced by enslaved individuals and highlighting the ongoing pursuit of justice and equity.

Fugitivism by S. Charles Bolton

Fugitivism: Escaping Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley, 1820-1860 By S. Charles Bolton
  • Estimated Length:  10.5 hours
  • Project Budget:  Royalty Share
  • Word Count:  98000
  • Language:  English
  • Distribution:  Exclusive
  • Territories:  World

Winner, 2020 Booker Worthen Literary Prize

During the antebellum years, over 750,000 enslaved people were taken to the Lower Mississippi Valley, where two-thirds of them were sold in the slave markets of New Orleans, Natchez, and Memphis. Those who ended up in Louisiana found themselves in an environment of swamplands, sugar plantations, French-speaking creoles, and the exotic metropolis of New Orleans. Those sold to planters in the newly-opened Mississippi Delta cleared land and cultivated cotton for owners who had moved west to get rich as quickly as possible, driving this labor force to harsh extremes.

Like enslaved people all over the South, those in the Lower Mississippi Valley left home at night for clandestine parties or religious meetings, sometimes “laying out” nearby for a few days or weeks. Some of them fled to New Orleans and other southern cities where they could find refuge in the subculture of slaves and free blacks living there, and a few attempted to live permanently free in the swamps and forests of the surrounding area. Fugitives also tried to return to eastern slave states to rejoin families from whom they had been separated. Some sought freedom on the northern side of the Ohio River; others fled to Mexico for the same purpose.

Fugitivism provides a wealth of new information taken from advertisements, newspaper accounts, and court records. It explains how escapees made use of steamboat transportation, how urban runaways differed from their rural counterparts, how enslaved people were victimized by slave stealers, how conflicts between black fugitives and the white people who tried to capture them encouraged a culture of violence in the South, and how runaway slaves from the Lower Mississippi Valley influenced the abolitionist movement in the North.

Readers will discover that along with an end to oppression, freedom-seeking slaves wanted the same opportunities afforded to most Americans.

New audiobook release coming November 2021!

The Book Break!

What is this series all about?

Gavin Stoutheart’s father the baron is missing, along with Gavin’s brother the heir. He must step up to lead his people as they flee before an invading army.

His only hope is that a combination of prohibited animal magic and his knack for strategy will keep them safe as they make their way through a fractured kingdom with an army on their tail.

Melissa interviews John M. Olsen, an editor for the publisher Immortal Works, and a fantasy author, in this week’s episode of The Book Break.

John has written countless short stories, and a three-book fantasy series, “Riland Throne.” The three books are “Crystal King,” “Crystal Queen,” and “Crystal Empire.” John is also a member of The League of Utah Writers and regularly teaches at conferences.

*This interview was pre-recorded before the COVID-19 outbreak.

John M. Olsen | The Book Break | Season 3 Episode 22



NEW RELEASE: Overcoming Gossip

  1. Overcoming Gossip
  2. How Satan, the Accuser of the Brethren, Uses Gossip to Fragment the Body of Christ

Overcoming Gossip takes a serious look at how the “accuser of the brethren” works in partnership with people who gossip to bring down God’s children and keep a spirit of disrespect alive in families, churches, ministries, and communities.

Through true stories gathered from believers, Overcoming Gossip highlights the various types of gossip, as well as many of the common motivations – conscious or unconscious – for negative speech coming from Christians.

Balanced perfectly with God’s love, the author paints a positive picture of hope and discusses the importance of forgiveness. This book provides a comprehensive guide for Christians who want to stop accusing the brethren and learn to live a life of love and grace toward others.

Both inspirational and instructional, the powerful stories are filled with wisdom that is sure to change the way you think and talk.

©2011 Mark D. Michael (P)2020 Destiny Image Audio

“Gossip is like a person who has a picture of you doing something wrong, and each time you seek to move beyond it, they pull out the picture to remind you of your past, thus leaving you feeling inextricably bound to your mistakes.”

The Loudest Whimper!

What would you do in the event of a catastrophe? Where would you go? How would behave? These are only a few questions you might consider pending a nuclear attack. Although the questions are hypothetical, it is worthy of serious consideration. Especially in the midst of a worldwide pandemic that was virtually unknown to most only six months ago. Did you think for one minute that toilet paper would be the most sought after commodity on the market in the first three months of this year? Absolutely not!

So… What would you do?

If you’re not exactly sure… then your probably like Paul in the movie “The Loudest Whimper” written and directed by Anthony Battaglia and narrated by Andrew L Barnes, the voice of Paul.

Who’s Paul? He is cynical as it relates to the question of survival. He’s the kind of guy who won’t try very hard to hang on to a ‘normal and civilized’ lifestyle. As far as he is concerned, if the world blows up tomorrow or annihilated by meteor showers… that’s perfectly fine.

“A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”

~ Ronald Reagan

I am stunned by the number of articles written about the best way to prepare for surviving nuclear fallout. It seems unlikely, but the possibility of nuclear fallout is without a doubt possible. Although none of us want to think about a future tragedy, however, it is very real when you consider terrorism, sudden economic instability, espionage, and a number of other undesirable circumstances.

The Loudest Whimper challenges us to contemplate if only for a few moments, our mindset when faced with pending destruction. Anthony Ballagia does an exceptional job of bringing out a variety of alternatives in a humorous and entertaining way you won’t soon forget.

The Loudest Whimper

The Parable of the Coastal Town

In the coastal town of Seaview, a spirited debate unfolded among its three well-respected elders—Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara—at the old lighthouse that had long served as a meeting spot for serious discussions. The topic at hand was the church’s role in addressing sin within the community, spurred by a recent wave of moral challenges confronting their small society.

Jeremiah, ever the firebrand, opened the conversation with a firm tone, his face illuminated by the fading light of the setting sun through the lighthouse windows. “We must heed the command of Jesus to ‘judge righteous judgment,’” he asserted, referencing John 7:24. “Our failure to address sin openly is not just a misstep; it’s a betrayal of our duty to lead souls towards salvation.”

Ezekiel, leaning against the aged wood of the lighthouse’s interior, reflected on Jeremiah’s words. “It’s true,” he concurred, “the church in Corinth was rebuked for not acting against blatant sin. We risk the same here in Seaview if we allow sin to spread unchallenged.”

Barbara, always the mediator, sought to balance the discussion with a reminder from Matthew 7. “While we must address sin, we need to do so with compassion and humility,” she advised. “We must first confront our own failings before guiding others. This isn’t about casting stones but offering a hand to help the fallen stand.”

The conversation took on a somber tone as they considered the recent issues that had divided their town—matters of identity, morality, and the pressures of modernity that seemed at odds with their traditions. “Satan has indeed ‘pulled the wool over the eyes’ of many,” Ezekiel noted grimly. “By making us fear being judgmental, he has made us timid in proclaiming the truth.”

As the lighthouse beacon began its nightly routine, casting light over the darkened waters, Jeremiah pointed out toward the sea. “Just as that light warns ships away from the rocks, our church must shine a light on sin to protect our flock from spiritual shipwreck.”

Barbara nodded, adding a crucial point. “But let’s not forget, as we were once reminded in Corinthians, ‘And such were some of you.’ We too were once lost, but we were washed, sanctified, justified in the name of Jesus. Our approach must always be one of hopeful redemption.”

The elders agreed that while they must stand firm against sin, they would strive to emulate the love and patience of Christ, offering forgiveness and a path to redemption for those willing to repent. “Our role isn’t to condemn,” Barbara concluded, “but to guide—from darkness into light, from error into truth.”

As the meeting concluded, the three friends stepped out of the lighthouse into the cool night air, their path lit by both the lighthouse behind them and the stars above. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, fraught with challenges both old and new. Yet, they felt fortified by their faith and their commitment to shepherd their community with both firmness and love.

Back in the heart of Seaview, their conversation sparked further dialogue among the townsfolk, slowly reshaping how the community confronted its challenges, always aiming to reflect the light of their faith in their daily lives.

Church Leadership: Man’s Interpretations vs Unchanging Word of God

On a breezy evening along the serene shores of Crescent Bay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara found themselves settled on a quaint, sandy nook, where the rhythmic crash of waves provided a soothing backdrop to their profound dialogue. This evening’s discussion was set to untangle the threads of majority influence in both secular governance and spiritual adherence.

Jeremiah, always the instigator of deep dives, laid out the evening’s agenda with a probing inquiry. “In our secular systems, majority rule dictates leadership. Should this democratic principle extend into our spiritual lives and church leadership?”

Ezekiel, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the sun kissed the ocean, pondered aloud. “It’s peculiar,” he noted, “how we often conflate societal norms with spiritual directives. Popularity does not validate a practice’s spiritual correctness.”

Barbara, her Bible and notes shielded from the seaside breeze by a large rock, concurred vigorously. “That’s precisely it, Ezekiel. Consider Exodus 23:2, which cautions us not to follow the crowd into sin. It’s a clear divine directive against blindly mirroring the majority, especially when they stray from righteousness.”

The ambiance of the bay, usually tranquil, seemed to accentuate the gravity of their discourse. Seagulls cried overhead, circling the remnants of the day’s picnics, while the salty air mingled with a hint of seaweed, enriching the sensory experience of their gathering.

The topic smoothly transitioned to the practice of baptism, a subject that never failed to ignite fervent debate among them. “Look at how the notion of baptism is manipulated in some congregations,” Jeremiah pointed out, scrolling through his digital Bible. “Scriptural baptism involves immersion, yet some opt for sprinkling or pouring, swayed by tradition rather than scripture.”

Barbara supported her point by referencing Acts 10:48, emphasizing the scriptural mandate for immersion. “It’s not just a ceremonial act; it’s an obedience to Jesus’ command, executed in the manner He prescribed.”

Ezekiel, ever the voice of reason, expanded the discussion. “This isn’t solely about baptism. It’s indicative of a broader trend of conforming to human doctrines when scriptural fidelity wanes.”

They then delved into church leadership standards, often a divisive issue across denominations. “Scripture mandates that bishops or elders be family men, capable of managing their own households,” Jeremiah noted, concerned about the casual disregard for these stipulations in favor of modern preferences.

Barbara reflected on their surroundings—the quiet bay, the gentle waves, and the soothing twilight. “Our discussion really centers on where we place authority: in the interpretations of man or the unchanging Word of God?”

As dusk enveloped Crescent Bay, with the stars beginning to pierce the twilight, Ezekiel captured the essence of their dialogue. “Following God’s Word might lead us down a path less trodden, akin to the narrow gate Jesus spoke of, which leads to life.”

With the evening winding down, the trio collected their belongings, their spirits uplifted by the robust exchange. They recognized these discussions as not merely academic but as crucial to their spiritual integrity and dedication to a life founded on biblical truth, beyond the sway of the majority.

Navigating Spiritism and Spirituality: Insights from Whitfield Park

As the autumn leaves danced in the gentle breeze of Whitfield Park, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara found themselves gathered around the old wooden picnic table that had become their unofficial meeting spot for theological discussions. Today, the air was charged with a more serious tone as they delved into a discussion about spiritism versus true spirituality.

Jeremiah, always keen on setting the stage for deep conversations, started, “I’ve been reading about the dangers of spiritism. It’s troubling how it masquerades as spirituality but is actually steeped in occult practices and emotional manipulations.”

Barbara, with her well-worn Bible open in her lap, nodded in agreement. “Exactly, Jeremiah. Spirituality is grounded in Scripture and revelation, not in our feelings or imaginations. It’s about what God has revealed, not about what we feel or want to believe.”

Ezekiel, who was quietly listening while observing a squirrel scurry up a nearby oak tree, chimed in, “And that’s the crux of the matter, isn’t it? Modern movements often confuse emotional experiences with spiritual truths. Like those TV evangelists who claim health and wealth are just a faith-filled donation away.”

The park was alive with the sounds of children playing in the distance and the occasional bark of a dog, yet their table felt like a secluded island as they delved deeper into their discussion.

Jeremiah leaned forward, his voice intensifying. “Take Jim Jones, for instance. He led hundreds to their deaths because of his imagined spiritual authority. If his followers had grounded themselves in scripture rather than getting swept away by charisma and emotion, that tragedy could have been avoided.”

Barbara flipped through her Bible to a marked page. “That’s precisely why Paul emphasized in Corinthians that the commandments he wrote are from the Lord. There’s a protective power in the Scripture that keeps us from being swept away by every wind of doctrine.”

Ezekiel picked up a fallen leaf, examining its details. “It’s like this leaf,” he said, holding it up. “Imagine if I said it could speak. Some might feel enchanted by the notion and start believing it. But no matter how strongly they feel, it won’t change the fact that it’s just a leaf, not a messenger.”

The metaphor brought a light chuckle from Barbara, who appreciated Ezekiel’s ability to simplify complex ideas. “Well put, Ezekiel. And that brings us to another point—how do we ensure we’re following true spirituality?”

Jeremiah answered, “By continuously returning to the Scriptures, like the Bereans in Acts. They didn’t just accept Paul’s words at face value; they examined the Scriptures daily to see if what he said was true.”

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the park, the trio wrapped up their discussion with a prayer, asking for discernment and a deeper understanding of the Scriptures to navigate the complex spiritual landscapes of their time.

Walking away from the park, they felt a renewed sense of commitment to their faith, strengthened by the scriptures and their fellowship. They knew they would return to the old wooden table many more times, each visit deepening their resolve to stand firm in a world often blurred by the lines between true spirituality and misleading spiritism.

Debate on Red Heifer and Temple Mount Tensions: A Christian Perspective

On a breezy afternoon, the tranquil park, usually filled with the laughter of children and the chirping of birds, became the stage for a spirited debate. Under the sprawling branches of the ancient oak tree, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara found themselves tangled in a heated discussion that had caught the attention of the park’s usual tranquility.

Jeremiah, leaning against the rugged bark, was the first to speak, his voice echoing a deep concern. “Friends, have you heard about the red heifer and the recent tensions at the Temple Mount? It’s stirring up quite the controversy. Some say it’s the precursor to rebuilding the temple, a return to the old ways of sacrifices.”

Barbara, seated on a sunlit bench, flipped open her notebook filled with notes and scriptures, replying with a skeptical tone. “But isn’t that looking backwards? The destruction of the temple in AD 70 was a clear sign, as per the prophecies. God moved from the physical to the spiritual. Our true temple now isn’t made of stone; it’s built on faith in Christ.”

Ezekiel, pacing slowly, added thoughtfully, “Yes, the idea of a new temple seems out of step with our spiritual progression. Why revert to the shadows when we have the substance in Jesus? The entire concept of the red heifer and cleansing seems archaic when we have the ultimate purification through Christ.”

The park around them was alive with the rustling of leaves and the distant sound of water from a nearby fountain, nature itself seeming to listen in on their conversation. A squirrel scampered near, pausing as if curious about the human tension over divine matters.

Jeremiah, pushing off from the tree, argued, “But consider this, isn’t there something to be said about the cultural and historical significance of these actions for many Jews? Could this not be a way for them to find their path to Jesus?”

Barbara nodded thoughtfully, her voice calm yet firm. “True, Jeremiah. Yet, we must be wary of mixing political aspirations with spiritual truths. The kingdom of God isn’t about earthly territories or ancient animal sacrifices. It’s about reigning in the hearts of men and women across all nations.”

Ezekiel stopped pacing, turning to his friends with a resolute expression. “Exactly, and we can’t ignore that any attempt to rebuild the temple and reintroduce sacrifices could ignite tremendous conflict. Isn’t our role as Christians to be peacemakers, to advocate for a kingdom not of this world?”

The discussion grew more intense, echoing through the boughs of the old oak tree, as more park-goers drew near, drawn by the passion and depth of the debate. The air was filled with a mix of the earthy aroma of damp soil and the fresh scent of grass, grounding their lofty discussion in the reality of the serene park setting.

Barbara, closing her notebook, summarized their discourse with a gentle authority. “Our mission should be clear then. We stand firm in the truth of the Gospel, offer it to all, and live it out loud. Let’s focus on being the living temples of God, where His Spirit dwells richly.”

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the park, the trio concluded their debate with a prayer, their voices a soft murmur amidst the whispering leaves. They stood together, united in their commitment to navigate these complex issues with wisdom and grace, their fellowship a testament to the enduring search for divine truth in a changing world.

Leaving the park, the friends felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that their discussions under the old oak tree had deepened their understanding and their bonds, ready to face a world in need of the light they carried within.

Standing Firm in Parenting: Navigating Government Influence with Gospel-Centered Wisdom

Under the venerable branches of the old sycamore in Riverside Park, the serene afternoon air was unexpectedly charged as Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara delved into a pressing issue—government involvement in parenting. This wasn’t just any discussion; recent local policies directly affecting school curriculums had brought them together, urgency underlying their tones.

Jeremiah, animated and passionate, waved his hand emphatically as he opened the debate. “Consider this: Romans 13 urges us to respect and submit to our governing authorities, attributing their power to God’s design. But when these authorities overstep, dictating how we should raise our children in faith, where do we draw the line?”

Barbara, always prepared, pulled out clippings from recent news articles and laid them on the picnic table. “Exactly, Jeremiah! It’s one thing to govern for public safety and another to intrude into personal beliefs. Peter tells us to honor the king, but also to live as free people, not using our freedom as a cover-up for evil.”

The park was alive with the sounds of a distant dog barker and children’s laughter, the normalcy of which contrasted sharply with their intense conversation. Ezekiel, leaning forward, his eyes lit with a spark of defiance, added, “And remember the boldness of the apostles in Acts 5. They were commanded to stop preaching, yet they chose to obey God rather than men when the two were at odds. Shouldn’t we be prepared to do the same?”

As they spoke, a group of teenagers nearby began a spirited game of frisbee, their shouts and cheers punctuating the serious tones of the trio’s discussion. This public display of youthful energy seemed to underscore the stakes of their conversation—the future generations that would live with the consequences of their choices.

Jeremiah, catching a frisbee that flew too close and tossing it back with a laugh, used the interruption to illustrate his point. “Just like that frisbee, we sometimes need to catch unexpected challenges and throw them back with wisdom. We aren’t just protecting our rights; we’re teaching these young ones how to stand firm in their own beliefs.”

Barbara nodded, her voice earnest as she summarized, “So, it’s not merely about submissiveness or defiance but about wisdom and courage. We must discern when to bend and when to stand, always with the gospel at the forefront.”

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows across the grass, the discussion wound down. They stood up, energized by the lively debate, and as they walked along the path leading out of the park, Ezekiel joked, aiming to lighten the mood, “Next time, maybe we tackle something simpler, like the quantum physics of miracles!”

Their laughter mingled with the rustling leaves above, a reminder that though the topics might be heavy, their fellowship under the sycamore was a source of strength and joy. Together, they weren’t just debating; they were preparing for action, ready to defend what they held sacred in a world that often seemed at odds with their deepest convictions.

Living Out Our Faith: Lessons From Daniel for Today’s World

Under the vast spread of ancient oaks, with autumn leaves rustling and distant sounds of urban bustle, Jonathan, Isaiah, and Miriam established their temporary council ground. The sun filtered through the branches, casting patterns of light and shadow that flickered over their earnest faces, mirroring the intensity of their upcoming discussion.

Jonathan, always reflective, initiated the dialogue with a tone of concern, “In our current climate, where the echoes of government misdeeds resonate so loudly, how do we hold to our faith without crossing the boundaries of defiance or complacency?”

Isaiah, with eyes alight with spirited intelligence, leaned in, his voice brimming with enthusiasm, “Consider Daniel’s narrative. He served under a regime fraught with greed and injustice, yet he remained unblemished in his ethical and spiritual commitments. He embodied being part of a system while not succumbing to its vices.”

Miriam, whose presence often soothed and balanced their more intense deliberations, added thoughtfully, “It seems to me it’s all about equilibrium. We acknowledge the authority because God permits it, yet our stand on His truths must never waver. It’s not about clashing, but about holding firm to our convictions.”

As a gust of wind stirred a flurry of leaves around them, symbolizing the social chaos outside their leafy retreat, Jonathan nodded in agreement, “Exactly. Submission doesn’t equate to silence. Daniel didn’t just silently pray against corruption; he boldly proclaimed God’s judgments to those in power.”

With a light smirk, Isaiah adjusted his spectacles, “Politely but unyieldingly, right? Picture telling a hedonistic king his reign was doomed. I doubt Daniel was on the guest list for the royal festivities post-disclosure.”

Miriam’s soft laughter mingled with the rustling leaves, “Absolutely, yet his defiance wasn’t aggressive. It’s that gentle but firm approach we need—acting from a place of love and truth, never from fear or spite.”

Their conversation deepened with the deepening shadows. Jonathan’s voice softened but carried a serious undertone, “We also must remember our limitations in foresight. Our perceived catastrophes might be mere threads in a larger divine tapestry that only God fully understands.”

Nodding thoughtfully, Isaiah added, “That’s where true faith comes into play. We take action, yes. We stand resolute, certainly. But above all, we trust in God to manage the grand scheme. Our part is not to control but to faithfully bear witness.”

Looking towards the horizon where the sun began to dip, casting the sky in brilliant oranges and purples, Miriam contemplated, “It’s like these sturdy oaks around us. Rooted firmly, yet swaying gracefully with the breeze. They weather storms and seasons, steadfast through it all.”

The trio lapsed into reflective silence, pondering their roles in a tumultuously spinning world. As dusk embraced the sky, leaving silhouettes of enduring oaks, their dialogue shifted from theory to action.

“How do we embody this daily?” Jonathan asked, a blend of resolve and curiosity in his voice.

“By staying informed, actively participating, and being passionate,” Isaiah quickly replied. “We immerse ourselves in community affairs, we vote, we speak out, and most importantly, we pray.”

“And we educate,” added Miriam gently, “beginning at home, spreading to our wider circles. We must live out our truths so consistently and lovingly that they resonate louder than the discord around us.”

As night cloaked the sky, only the formidable outlines of the oaks remained, a testament to resilience and strength. The council under the oaks concluded, but their mission was just beginning—a renewed pledge to live out their faith boldly, without concession, in a scrutinizing world.

Their deliberations under the oaks had ended for the day, but the journey of living their convictions in a complex world continued unabated.

“Magnify Almighty God Again!” — Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara’s Discussion on Social Transformation

In the cozy living room of Barbara’s suburban home, the trio—Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara—gathered around a spread of coffee and homemade cookies, ready for their monthly Bible study discussion. This month, the topic was MAGA: “Magnify Almighty God Again!” and its implications for modern society.

Jeremiah started, his voice rich with enthusiasm, “You know, folks, when we talk about Magnifying Almighty God Again, we’re really talking about getting back to the basics of scripture. It’s about reviving the teachings of Jesus, which have the power to transform our society.”

Barbara nodded in agreement, flipping open her laptop. “Let’s look at some troubling statistics. First, consider the rise in mental health issues. According to recent data, anxiety disorders now affect 18.1% of the population each year.”

Ezekiel, always the thinker, chimed in, “That’s staggering, Barbara. But think about Philippians 4:6-7, ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ Imagine the impact if more people embraced this teaching!”

Barbara highlighted another issue, “Then there’s the breakdown of the family unit. Divorce rates are sky-high, with about 40 to 50 percent of marriages in the U.S. ending in divorce.”

Jeremiah leaned forward, his eyes earnest, “Absolutely, but Matthew 19:6 reminds us, ‘So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.’ If couples embraced this covenant view of marriage, prioritizing God and His guidance, we’d likely see stronger, more resilient family bonds.”

Ezekiel added a third concern, “And let’s not overlook the rise in poverty and economic disparity. It’s said that over 10% of the population lives below the poverty line.”

Barbara responded with a verse, “1 John 3:17-18 tells us, ‘But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.’ The Christian community can lead by example, showing generosity and care.”

The conversation shifted as Jeremiah reflected, “These scriptures aren’t just ancient words; they’re solutions to these top social ills. They guide us to care deeply, act justly, and love mercifully.”

Ezekiel, always looking to apply their insights, suggested, “What if we started community outreach programs based on these principles? A support group for struggling marriages, a workshop on managing anxiety through faith, and a renewed push for community-sharing initiatives to tackle poverty?”

Barbara was quick to sketch out a plan on her notepad, her eyes bright with determination. “Let’s do it! We can coordinate with our church, pool resources, and set these programs in motion. It’s about putting faith into action!”

As the evening wound down, the trio felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were not just discussing problems but activating their faith to initiate change. With their Bibles as their guide, they were ready to magnify Almighty God again, not just in word, but in deed.

Their discussion, steeped in scripture and driven by a genuine desire to improve the world around them, was a testament to their faith. They knew the journey ahead would be challenging, but armed with Biblical principles, they were ready to tackle these challenges head-on, proving that the Christian way of life, when truly lived, offered transformative solutions to the world’s most pressing issues.

The Debate Under the Willow

As the sun dipped behind the rolling hills, casting elongated shadows across the meadow, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara settled beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient willow. The light breeze carried the sweet scent of blooming wildflowers, mixed with the fresh, earthy aroma of the nearby stream. The tranquil gurgle of water and the soft rustling of leaves set a reflective backdrop for their debate on a topic as weighty as the abortion issue.

Jeremiah, his face etched with the serious lines of contemplation, adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat. “We’re facing a moral crisis,” he began, his voice resonant with urgency. “The sanctity of life is non-negotiable. We are called to uphold it at every turn, and the issue of abortion… it’s a stark battlefield where this principle is either defended or dismissed.”

Ezekiel, ever the skeptic, leaned back against the trunk, his eyes twinkling with a hint of challenge. “But Jeremiah, aren’t you worried we might tread into legislating morality? Where do we draw the line between personal belief and public policy?” His casual demeanor belied the sharpness of his mind, ready to dissect complex issues with clinical precision.

Barbara, smoothing the skirt of her light summer dress, brought a balance to the discussion with her gentle, measured tones. “It’s not about imposing beliefs, Ezekiel, but about voicing the voiceless. It’s about whether we stand by while society diminishes the value of life, or whether we advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

The willow leaves whispered above them as a cool wind stirred, mirroring the shifting nuances of their debate. Jeremiah nodded slowly, his gaze firm. “Consider the historical context of Molech worship, where children were literally sacrificed. God’s condemnation was absolute, not just towards the act, but towards those who stood by passively.”

Ezekiel rubbed his chin, the stubble rasping softly under his hand. “I see your point, Jere. But how do we ensure our actions aren’t seen as just another form of overreach? How do we maintain compassion without becoming oppressors ourselves?”

Barbara interjected, “It’s about embodying the gospel, not just enforcing it. Our actions need to reflect Christ’s love and grace. We advocate, we educate, and we support—not just in word, but in deed.”

The conversation dipped as a family of ducks waddled past them, their quacking adding a momentary light-heartedness to the heavy discussion. Ezekiel chuckled, “Even the ducks think we’re getting too serious.”

Jeremiah smiled, but his eyes remained concerned. “It’s a serious topic, though. Think about the implications of indifference. If we turn a blind eye, are we any different from those who ignored injustices in the past?”

The debate ebbed and flowed like the stream beside them, sometimes meandering, sometimes rushing forward with renewed vigor. They discussed the nuances of biblical references to life, the role of Christians in societal issues, and the impact of modern biomedical technologies that blur lines even further.

As twilight deepened, casting the meadow into shades of gray, the trio remained deep in conversation. The sounds of the evening grew louder around them—the call of a night bird, the whisper of the grass as nocturnal creatures stirred.

Finally, Barbara summed up their discussion with a thoughtful nod. “It’s clear that this isn’t just about politics. It’s about principle. It’s about standing up for what we believe in a world that’s constantly challenging those beliefs.”

Jeremiah and Ezekiel agreed, their expressions solemn. They knew the debate was far from over, but each conversation, each exchange of ideas, fortified them for the ongoing struggle to represent their faith authentically and compassionately in a world that often seemed indifferent.

As they stood to leave, the willow seemed to nod in approval, its branches swaying gently. Underneath its watchful gaze, they had wrestled with difficult truths, their friendship deepened by the respectful exchange of heartfelt convictions.

The night closed in as they walked back through the meadow, the scent of wildflowers fading into the cool air, leaving them with a sense of resolve and the quiet camaraderie that comes from shared struggles and shared faith.

Debating Morality under the Oak

Government, Morality and Christianity

Under the sprawling branches of an ancient oak tree, whose leaves whispered secrets with each gentle breeze, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara found themselves entwined in a debate as lively as the chirping of the robins overhead. The afternoon sun dappled through the thick foliage, casting patterns of light and shadow that danced around them like flickering thoughts.

Jeremiah, whose earnest eyes reflected a depth of sincerity, leaned forward, his Bible resting on his knee, its pages fluttering slightly in the wind. He was the anchor of their trio, always ready to dive into the depths of spiritual discourse with a thoughtful frown or a hopeful quote. “Consider this,” he began, his voice as steady as the oak’s ancient trunk, “the article we read argues that morality inevitably influences political issues. It’s not inherently political, but government has to discern between good and evil, so it ends up legislating morality based on a certain worldview.”

Ezekiel, whose skeptical expressions often hid his deep contemplation, lounged against the tree’s rough bark. He wore a playful smirk that contrasted with the seriousness of the discussion. “Oh, Jeremiah! Are we now to campaign with a Bible in one hand and a ballot in the other? What about the delicate dance of church and state?”

Barbara, with her quick wit and ready smile, was the mediator and often the voice of reason between her two friends. She sipped her lemonade, the ice clinking melodiously against the glass, a soothing sound amidst their spirited exchange. “It’s not about turning pulpits into political platforms,” she interjected, the scent of lemon mingling with the earthy aroma of the oak. “It’s about letting our faith inform our actions and decisions, even in politics. We can’t simply leave our values behind when faced with public policy or the voting booth.”

Jeremiah nodded, his voice soft yet firm, blending with the rustling leaves above. “That’s the heart of it, isn’t it? Every law legislates morality. The question is whether it’s from a worldview that acknowledges God. It’s about presence, not dominance, in the political discourse.”

Ezekiel threw his hands up, the leaves crunching under his movement. “So, what? Shall we start a new crusade? Next, you’ll have us renaming Capitol Hill to ‘Mount Sinai’!” His laughter echoed through the branches, lightening the mood.

Barbara’s laughter joined his, her voice harmonious with the surrounding whispers of nature. “Mount Sinai isn’t on the ballot yet, Ezekiel. But seriously, we’re talking about engaging in meaningful discussions and standing up for what’s inherently good, irrespective of the political fallout.”

Jeremiah’s gaze was thoughtful as he absorbed the serene environment, the peaceful setting a stark contrast to the complexity of their topic. “Indeed, it’s not about gaining political power but witnessing the truths we hold dear. Politics will fail us, but the gospel endures.”

Ezekiel, his skepticism always laced with curiosity, added, “We’re to be lights in a dark world, not just part of the crowd. Sometimes, I think we’re just scrambling around in the dim light ourselves!”

Barbara’s tone turned serious, her eyes reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. “It’s about living the gospel every day, through every word and action, whether we’re here under this old oak or out there in the wider world.”

As the evening crept upon them, the trio settled into a reflective silence. The scent of fresh earth and the distant sound of a creek underscored their contemplation. Politics might ebb and flow, but their commitment to live out Christ’s teachings was a steadfast resolve they all shared.

In their little nook under the grand oak, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Barbara found not just common ground but a renewed sense of purpose—not as political combatants but as faithful stewards of a timeless truth.

Jeremiah and Ezekiel: A Fragrant Debate Amidst Distractions

Setting: Jeremiah and Ezekiel find themselves in a bustling marketplace filled with vendors shouting, children playing, and the occasional stray animal causing chaos. They’re trying to discuss the role of elders in the church, but the distractions make it quite the challenge.

Jeremiah: [dodging a wayward chicken] Ezekiel, have you ever thought about the work of elders in the church? Like, are they more shepherds or rulers?

Ezekiel: [sidestepping a vendor’s cart] Oh, definitely a hot topic, Jeremiah. But it’s hard to concentrate with all this noise! I guess we just have to roll with it. Now, where were we? Ah yes, elders. Are they supposed to oversee or control everything?

Jeremiah: [laughing] Well, you see, some people think elders should run the show with an iron fist. Kind of like that vendor over there who won’t let anyone touch his apples without paying first.

Ezekiel: [snickering] That’s one way to put it. But seriously, Jeremiah, overseeing isn’t the same as controlling. The Bible teaches that elders should lead by example, not dictate every detail of church life.

Jeremiah: [trying to ignore a shouting match between two merchants] Exactly. Like in our friend Dale Smelser’s work, he points out that elders should develop the congregation, not dominate it. They should be shepherds guiding the flock, not authoritarian rulers barking orders.

Ezekiel: [nodding] True, true. It reminds me of those elders who insisted on making all the announcements themselves. They thought they were protecting the flock, but really, they were stifling growth. Just like that baker over there refusing to let anyone else handle the dough.

Jeremiah: [chuckling] Perfect analogy! And when someone suggested sharing the announcements, they shut it down faster than a pigeon snatching a breadcrumb.

Ezekiel: [grinning] Yes, their reasoning was, “We thought about it, but since we run things, we’ll just keep running them.” It’s as if they were afraid the congregation might say something wrong.

Jeremiah: [watching a juggler distract the crowd] That’s a problem. It’s not about making every decision for everyone. Elders should encourage participation and leadership development within the church, just like how a good juggler teaches others the trick rather than hogging all the balls.

Ezekiel: [laughing] Nice one, Jeremiah! Exactly. The essence of their role is to oversee, not micromanage. They should inspire and lead without lording it over everyone.

Jeremiah: [dodging a running child] Speaking of which, there’s also the issue of how elders handle dissent or suggestions. Instead of just dictating decisions, they should consider the congregation’s input.

Ezekiel: [sidestepping a dog] Right. And if an elder’s decision leads the church astray, it’s not enough to blindly follow. Remember, Jesus warned about the blind leading the blind into a ditch (Matthew 15:14).

Jeremiah: [laughing as the dog chases its tail] Yes, following blindly can lead to both elders and congregation falling into trouble. Elders must guide with wisdom and humility, not authoritarian control.

Ezekiel: [watching a mime act out a leadership scenario] And let’s not forget how elders handle church discipline. Withdrawal from fellowship isn’t about elders alone deciding someone’s fate. It’s a congregational action underpinned by the Spirit’s guidance.

Jeremiah: [amused by the mime’s antics] Exactly. Elders should lead the process, but it’s the congregation that collectively decides, reflecting the will of God, not just the elders.

Ezekiel: [shaking his head at a vendor hawking “miracle cures”] And for those who think elders control salvation, let’s be clear: Only Jesus holds that key. Elders can guide, but they can’t dictate someone’s standing before God.

Jeremiah: [nodding vigorously] Amen to that! Whether it’s a baby shower or a major decision, elders should steer the ship without hogging the wheel. They’re shepherds, not taskmasters.

Ezekiel: [dodging another chicken] So true, Jeremiah. It’s about balance—leading with authority but without authoritarianism, guiding but also empowering.

Jeremiah: [grinning as they finally find a quiet corner] We’ve come to a good resolution here, Ezekiel. Despite all the chaos around us, it’s clear: elders are to nurture and develop the congregation, not rule it with an iron fist.

Ezekiel: [smiling] Exactly. Now, how about we grab a bite to eat? All this debating in the marketplace has made me hungry.

Jeremiah: [laughing] Lead the way, shepherd! Lead the way.

[They walk off, leaving the bustling marketplace behind, satisfied with their lively discussion and eager for a well-deserved meal.]

A Walk Through Sacred Woods

It was a serene morning as Jeremiah and his close friend Ezekiel set off on their favorite nature trail. The path meandered through a lush forest, where the canopy of trees filtered the sunlight, casting a soft, greenish glow. Birds sang melodies high above, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves, creating a peaceful ambiance that perfectly set the stage for their conversation.

Jeremiah had recently read an insightful article about congregational participation and was eager to discuss its contents with Ezekiel. “You know,” Jeremiah began, “I’ve been thinking a lot about how decisions are made in our community. The article I read used the example of the early church in Antioch and Jerusalem to illustrate a more inclusive approach.”

Ezekiel nodded, intrigued. “What do you mean by ‘inclusive approach’?”

“Well,” Jeremiah continued, “the article emphasized that decisions were not solely made by the elders. Instead, the entire congregation was involved. For instance, when the issue of Gentile circumcision arose in Antioch, it was the brethren—the whole community—who decided to send Paul and Barnabas to discuss the matter with the elders and apostles in Jerusalem.”

Ezekiel paused to absorb this. “So, the decision-making wasn’t top-down?”

They walked in silence for a few moments, the sound of their footsteps blending with the natural symphony around them. “It’s interesting,” Ezekiel said finally. “It seems like this model fosters a deeper sense of community and accountability.”

“That’s what the article highlighted,” Jeremiah agreed. “The early church’s approach ensured that everyone had a voice and felt responsible for the outcomes. Elders provided guidance and oversight, but they did so by leading and persuading rather than dictating. It’s a form of leadership that relies on humility and service, much like Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.”

“Exactly,” Jeremiah affirmed. “The brethren in Antioch appointed Paul and Barnabas, and when they reached Jerusalem, the entire church there was involved in the discussion, not just the leaders. The congregation listened to the arguments, debated, and reached a consensus together. This participatory model is quite different from what we often see today, where elders might make decisions behind closed doors and simply announce them to the congregation.”

Ezekiel smiled. “The idea of leaders being servants is powerful. It reminds me of something I read about oversight. True oversight is about watching over and caring for the community, not controlling it. Elders should be like shepherds, guiding and protecting the flock with love and wisdom.”

“Exactly,” Jeremiah said, his eyes lighting up. “The article mentioned that the Greek word for ‘oversight’ used in 1 Peter 5:2 carries the connotation of careful regard and watching over, not rigid control. It’s about nurturing and ensuring the well-being of the congregation.”

As they continued their walk, the trail led them to a small clearing with a bench overlooking a tranquil pond. They sat down, and Jeremiah reflected on their conversation. “Imagine if our church embraced this model more fully. Decisions made collectively, elders guiding with humility, and the whole congregation actively participating in our mission. It would transform how we relate to one another and our sense of purpose.”

Ezekiel nodded thoughtfully. “It would indeed. It’s a reminder that true leadership is not about authority but about service. And that we, as members of the community, have a responsibility to engage and contribute. It’s a beautiful vision.”

They sat in companionable silence for a while, watching the sunlight dance on the water’s surface. The walk had not only given them a physical respite but also a spiritual and intellectual refreshment. As they stood to continue their journey, Jeremiah felt a renewed sense of commitment to fostering such a participatory and humble spirit in his own community.

As they left the clearing, the forest seemed even more alive, a vibrant testament to the interconnectedness and harmony that comes from true participation and servant leadership.